Success on First Attempt

Facing the stubborn female bird, Zhao Meng had the intent to persuade it.

However, the language communication system of cuckoos was too rudimentary compared to that of humans.

Most of his cries were incomprehensible to the female bird.

A creature like the cuckoo, which was not very smart, could only act instinctively most of the time.

"Forget it. This is the female bird I chose. Let's see what bird's territory this is.

"If it does not work, I'll have to leave first and wait till the following year to find a new female bird."

At this moment, Zhao Meng already had the intent to abandon the female bird.

Fortunately, although the female bird was stubborn, it would not directly fall into a nest and start to reproduce.

The female first goes to higher ground to see if the bird in the nest was incubating its eggs.

Unfortunately, there was a female incubating in the nest.

The moment he saw the female bird, Zhao Meng finally remembered what kind of bird it was.


This bird was a well-known small bird of prey. It was known for being a master at impaling.

Fortunately, this bird was only half the size of the big cuckoo and would not pose any danger to him.

After learning about the birds in this territory, Zhao Meng secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and began to breed with the female,

As a male bird, he lured away the female in the nest by harassing and seducing it.

As for his partner, she had laid the egg into the Butcherbird's nest.

As such, with the joint efforts of Zhao Meng and the female bird, they successfully went through the breeding season.

[In the first year and three months, you are in breeding season again.]

After more than a year of living, Zhao Meng had already completely adapted to the life of a big cuckoo.

The big cuckoo belonged to the semi-resident bird group, it could migrate to warmer places like other birds, or it could also stay put.

Whether it migrated or not depended on the local environment.

Zhao Meng observed the types of plants around him and realized that he was in a subtropical area, so he had no intention of migrating.

Instead, he stayed behind to observe the reproduction of his offspring.

Generally speaking, the females would not care after laying eggs, especially the males.

However, Zhao Meng, who had nothing to do, was still very curious about how his descendants would grow under such a brood parasitic state.

First, he looked at the family of the gray magpie.

He was surprised to find that the offspring of him and the female bird had not been bred.

Just as he had expected, the gray magpie saw through the brood parasite.

Zhao Meng was helpless against this situation.

This was the case in the natural world. Since there was a way to parasitize a nest, there was a way to recognize the parasite.

If all birds could parasitize, then all the birds would not obediently incubate their eggs and work hard to nurture their chicks.

Fortunately, except for the clever gray magpie that identified the foreign egg, the other birds that were not too smart treated his descendants as their own children.

At this moment, Zhao Meng was standing on a branch and making cries.

The breeding process of the cuckoo reminded him of the abnormally flashing Gold message before he entered simulation.

"Reproduction Isolation Challenger!

"Sigh! What does Empress Nuwa want to do? Why does she have to resort to these messages of the centaur?

"I wonder what kind of strange messages will appear this time?"

Just as Zhao Meng was secretly speculating, cries came from the forest.

A female cuckoo was in heat.

Although Zhao Meng still maintained his independent personality, he was also unable to resist the natural reactions of a male cuckoo stimulated by androgen.

At this moment, Zhao Meng forgot his worries and flew into the forest with an excited voice.

After a year of growth and deliberate exercise, Zhao Meng's body could be said to be big and in shape. This time, he did not need to play any tricks. He used his strong physique and easily obtained the favor of the other females.

After the dull process of activating life, one male and one female cuckoo transformed into male and female bandits and once again laid eggs secretly in the nests of other birds.

[In the fifth year and seven months, you have passed the breeding season again. You sense that you are aging!]

"It's been five years!"

Zhao Meng did not understand why he had aged so quickly. He could feel that he could still live for a few more years.

"Perhaps it was because I had helped females to reproduce too many times!

"It's better if it's over soon!

"I wonder what messages I'll get from this simulation?"

Zhao Meng stood on the branch and looked at the distant forest.

Looking at the mountain peak that was surrounded by clouds, he inexplicably recalled his life on Two-World Mountain.

But now, the Two-World Mountain he was on had been flattened by the demons.

"From the memories of my predecessor, the Two-World Mountain is a mountain range created by an ancient mighty figure to mediate the conflict between humans and demons.

"Now that this mountain range had such a huge gap,

"I wonder if the conflict between humans and demons will erupt again?

"Just how much hatred did they have for the demons to flatten the Two-World Mountain?

Zhao Meng already had some terrifying guesses when he thought of the flashing Gold message.

However, he could not believe that an ordinary human like him without any cultivation could actually cause such a huge commotion.

[In the sixth year, you aged. You found a safe place and began to spend your last moments!]

At this moment, Zhao Meng was hiding in a tree hole.

The tree hole had been blocked by Zhao Meng with mud, leaving only a small hole for excretion.

There was some food and fruits stored in the tree hole, enough for him to spend the last bit of time.

Birds died much faster than humans, unlike humans who struggled in pain for a long time before dying.

At this moment, the feathers on Zhao Meng's body became fluffy, and his wings relaxed weakly.

Zhao Meng seemed to have not slept for a long time. He dozed off and wanted to close his eyes.

However, the last survival instinct that burst out of his body kept stimulating him, telling him to perk up and open his eyes again.

However, Zhao Meng, who did not have much desire to live, still obeyed the rules of nature.

As he dozed off for the last time, his consciousness faded.

When he woke up again, he heard the sound of horse hooves.

Smelling the fragrance of the grass, Zhao Meng slowly opened his eyes. He saw the dark blue sky and the white clouds floating in the sky.

"He's back!"

Zhao Meng stood up and sized up his surroundings.

The surroundings were no different from what he had just seen.

The process of his simulation was like a dream. There were no signs of time flowing in the real world.

Seeing this, Zhao Meng lay down again and closed his eyes to check the outcome of this simulation.

[Simulation successful!]

For this simulation that succeeded on first attempt,

Zhao Meng was not surprised. After all, he had already experienced not being a human several times, and he also had the experience of simulating birds.

As long as it was not a strange animal that he had never simulated before, he was confident that he could successfully simulate a bird like a cuckoo on first attempt.

"Since the simulation is successful, it's time to draw the messages next!"