The Miracle Left In The World

Li Mo carried the amphora and walked out of the shop. He spent another 100 yuan by the roadside to get a stall owner to pack it carefully so that he would not accidentally bump it.

"Master, where are you?"

In the taxi, Li Mo called Liu Chuanqing's cell phone. He was very anxious. Once this celadon amphora appeared, it might cause a commotion in the antique and cultural world.

"I'm a guest at Professor Zhu's house. Little Mo, did you go back to the hotel?"

When Li Mo heard that, he felt like he was given a pillow when he was sleepy. He confirmed that this was the real thing from the Ming Dynasty's royal family, but he had relied on his alternate pupils. If he wanted to gain the recognition of the world, he had to go through a normal series of appraisal procedures, and Professor Zhu was the authority in this aspect.

"Master, you have to be mentally prepared. I made a huge discovery in the Panjiayuan Antique Market. It's an urgent matter. I'll look for you directly."

There was a few seconds of silence on the other end of the phone before he heard Liu Chuanqing's anxious voice. "Little Mo, take a taxi to Capital University. I'll pick you up at the entrance. Be careful."

By the time the taxi stopped at the entrance of Capital University, it was already night. The stars were high in the sky and the lights were waning.

The moment Li Mo got out of the car, he saw Liu Chuanqing looking around at the door.


"Little Mo." Liu Chuanqing rushed over, scaring Li Mo so much that he hugged the celadon amphora and shouted, "Master, keep a distance."

"You scared me. What treasure is there to keep a distance from?"

"Let's talk as we walk." Li Mo walked in front while Liu Chuanqing was half a step behind. "Master, have you seen glazed porcelain from the Ming Dynasty? That green glaze is so dark that it looks black."

"The Ming Dynasty's porcelain-making process reached a peak. There were white, yellow, blue, red, and brown glazes in the monochrome glaze. As for the green glaze you mentioned, I've never even seen a dark green glaze porcelain."

"Master, have you ever seen or heard of porcelain with the same color glaze inside and out among the two-colored porcelain?"

Liu Chuanqing's breathing became heavy. If Li Mo hadn't reminded him to keep a distance, he would have rushed up to take a closer look.

"The more common ones are made of blue glaze with another glaze to make two-colored glaze porcelain. Red glaze and brown glaze porcelain are the most precious, but most of them are kept in famous museums overseas. The porcelain you're talking about is of the same color. No such specimen has appeared yet. Little Mo, what subversive treasure have you picked up?"

Yes, this was definitely a historical discovery.

Li Mo only realized that it was a two-colored glaze when he held it in his hand. He carefully distinguished that the green glaze inside was slightly lighter. However, because there was a shadow, it looked the same color with the naked eye.


"What's there to guess? You've grown capable. You want me to guess."

Out of habit, Liu Chuanqing reached out to knock his head. Suddenly, he retracted his hand at lightning speed. He was so frightened that he broke out in a sweat. If he accidentally startled him and he accidentally slipped in shock, the consequences would be unimaginable.

The campus of Beijing University at night was filled with romance. Along the way, he saw many pairs of top students laughing and chatting. Li Mo was envious. This was the university life he wanted. Freedom and romance.

"Little Mo, Professor Zhu lives in the duplex villa in front. His cousin is also here today. You know him. He's Vice President Zhu of the Shanghai Painting and Calligraphy Association, as well as Professor Yu from Tsinghua University and Professor He from Renmin University who were at the interview today."

"That's great."

Li Mo couldn't help but get excited. The three professors were all here. He could do a scientific appraisal of the amphora together. He was prepared to keep this Ming Dynasty authentic product for himself.

Liu Chuanqing pressed the doorbell. The door was opened by an old lady with a dignified and kind demeanor.

"This is Li Mo, my good-for-nothing disciple."

The old lady smiled at Li Mo and said, "This young man is so energetic."

"Hello, Mrs. Zhu." Li Mo bowed respectfully.

"Come in quickly. Old Zhu and the others are waiting anxiously."

Li Mo walked to the living room. Professor Zhu and the others were drinking tea and chatting. They turned to look when they heard the sound.

"Hello, Professor Zhu, Professor He, Professor Yu, President Zhu."

"You're so polite at home. You can do whatever's comfortable. President Zhu praised you. Previously, you even picked up a bargain and made an authentic 'Twin Horses Painting' by Master Xu Beihong. Unfortunately, I didn't have the chance to see the authentic master's painting." Professor Zhu put the things on the dining table aside and waved his hand. "Don't stand there in a daze. Take out the good things you picked up from the Panjiayuan Antique Market and let the few of us take a look."

Li Mo carefully took out the celadon amphora and placed it on the table.

"Sigh, it's a black bottle. Li Mo, don't misjudge it. There's nothing special about it." President Zhu stuck his head out and was a little disappointed. Other than the rarer colors, this style was rather common.

Professor Zhu Changping was more serious. He first observed for a few minutes and slid his finger around the mouth of the amphora. Then, he looked at the bottom leg and pondered. "Professor Yu, Professor He, come and take a look too. This is interesting."

Professor Yu carefully picked up the amphora and shone it at the dining room light. He changed a few angles to observe the glaze.

"Impressive, impressive.

"Professor Yu, don't be so shocked. Let me take a look." Professor He felt as uncomfortable as scratching an itch. From their expressions, this black amphora in front of him was probably not simple.

"Professor He, hold on tight." Professor Yu put down the amphora. His expression was slightly solemn, as if he had seen through something.

President Zhu walked to Liu Chuanqing's side and asked softly, "Boss Liu, reveal some information."

"I'm also confused, but from the looks of it, it shouldn't be an ordinary amphora. At least, it's not as simple as it looks."

Professor He looked at it even more seriously. A few minutes later, he looked up and said, "Old Zhu, use the flashlight and magnifying glass."

Professor Zhu was already prepared. The three professors leaned forward. Professor He looked up at the chandelier and said, "Sister-in-law, please turn off the lights."

Click. The lights went out.

A beam of light hit the amphora, and there was a commotion in the dining room. In the dim environment, at the edge of the light, the amphora refracted a hazy green light.

It was a pure green color with a beautiful halo that made people fall for it at a glance.

Professor He shone light into the amphora again, causing many exclamations.

After a long time, the chandelier in the dining room lit up. They saw that the shock on the three professors' faces had yet to recede. Their gazes looked like they wanted to swallow the amphora.

"Brother, what's the background of this black amphora?"

Professor Zhu glanced at him and frowned. "You're good at calligraphy and calligraphy, so you don't know much about porcelain. You saw it just now. When the light is shone on it, it refracts a green light, which means that this isn't black glaze, but green glaze. There are obvious traces of flint erythema at the bottom of the porcelain. This is a major characteristic of Ming Dynasty porcelain."

Professor Yu nodded and continued, "During the Ming Dynasty's Hongwu era, the color of the green glaze was more black and darker. The green material used was imported smalt. It looked black when the glaze was heavier. Then, the glaze was very fat, moisturizing, and the porcelain was heavy. The entire shape was three-dimensional and full, and the lines were smooth."

"I observed carefully just now. There's a halo. This is also a characteristic of the porcelain craftsmanship in the early days of the Ming Dynasty. The most shocking thing is that this amphora is of the same color glaze. It's different among the two-colored glaze porcelain. Such porcelain has never appeared in the world." Professor He's tone was excited. "The combination of flint erythema, base glaze, and halo determines that this amphora is very likely to be from the Ming Hongwu era."

"Whether it's the real thing or not still has to go through a strict appraisal process, such as carbon 14 testing. Once it's appraised as the real thing, it's definitely a treasure in human history. It's the only one in the world," Professor Zhu exclaimed. Then, he looked at Li Mo. "How did you know it?"

Liu Chuanqing and President Zhu's hearts surged. They were too familiar with the meaning of "unique".

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Li Mo chuckled and expressed his opinion that he had long thought of. "The Ming Hongwu Three-clawed Dark Dragon and Dark Green Amphora, the real product of the Ming Imperial Family. It's a miracle that's unparalleled in the world."

The room was silent. No one understood what he meant.

Li Mo calmly walked to the dining table and took Professor He's spotlight. He touched the lower edge of the bottle carefully and found the right place to send a beam of light over. "Everyone, come and take a closer look."

Professor Zhu hurriedly stretched out his finger and widened his eyes. "Although it's not easy to notice, there are indeed convex marks. Old woman, bring me the rice paper and ink. Hurry."

He made another shocking discovery.