Bighead waltzed into the office with a list from the Social Security Center, and with a sly grin, said to Beanpole, "You won't believe this! The swanky Elite Nightclub actually gets social insurance for their hostesses. Talk about playing by the book!"
Tadpole chimed in, "No kidding. Zhou Zhaotao might be a smuggler, but he treats his employees like gold. Social security, vacation pay, bonuses – you name it. Rumor has it the year-end bonus is at least this much." She held up her hand, fingers spread.
Bighead said, "No wonder folks are falling over themselves to work for him. Hey, did those two sing yet?"
Beanpole replied, "Not a peep since yesterday. They're not eating, just drinking water."
Tadpole added, "We let Chen Jili go. Can't afford to lose that lead."
Bighead reassured, "No worries. Even if the Emperor himself showed up, he couldn't save them. We owe it to Bruiser for being so sharp. How did he suddenly get so switched on?"
Beanpole looked up from his report.