Aquaman turned on the big screen in the room and they saw that the Regime, the Resistance, and what looked like the Greek Gods were fighting. Starfire frowned, "It still feels so bizarre seeing heroes fight each other."
Shazam has just defeated Hercules and Hercules fell to his knees, "Very well... finish it."
"No, I'm no killer."
A big boom was heard from the sky and they both looked up and saw Superman, he attacked Hercules with a diving attack and killed him.
Superboy clenched his eyes and Wonder Girl grabbed his hand and held it. Itachi stated, "It looks like Batman's plan this time involves getting the Greek Gods involved. It's not a bad plan, although when it comes to God's I doubt they'd help him just out of the goodness of their hearts."
Shazam seemed to be carrying to fight against the Gods, and Batman was fighting Damian.
"I'm gonna enjoy kicking your ass, Dad."
"Don't count on it son."
Damian tried to kick him but it was blocked, "I don't need you pulling punches. I'm not a kid anymore."
"You're right. You're older and stronger, and the most skilled fighter that has worn the Robin costume."
"Don't say that too loud... though it's not like your favorite son can hear you."
"This shouldn't be about Dick"-"It's ALWAYS been about him!"
"I'm really sorry, Damian."
"For what? Turning your back on Clark or for being an a-hole?!"
He swept his legs from under him, "For blaming you. What happened to Dick wasn't your fault."
"I saw how you looked at me then," he landed a punch on his jaw, "I don't believe you!" He tried to kick him but Batman focused on defense, "You're making it too easy on me, Pops. What's the matter, afraid your best won't be good enough?"
"I'm not afraid of failure, son.... I fear that your blind allegiance to Superman is my fault. I pushed you away and I shouldn't have."
"Bull. You never had to push me away."
They stopped fighting for a brief moment, "But I can promise you that I will do whatever I can to make it right. I just need you to choose what's right and join my side. Come back to me, son. Batman and Robin."
Damian ripped off the R on his chest, "No, I'll never be your Robin. I'd rather die first!"
He rushed at him but Batman kneed him in the solar plexus which knocked him out instantly.
A lightning bolt struck Shazam and he turned back into a kid. "Shazam!" He tried to transform but nothing happened. His eyes went wide and Zeus stood in front of him. "How?"
"I am the All-Father. You only have your gifts because I allow it. No more... I will not have you use them to hurt my children," he grabbed him by his shirt and picked him up, "Superman you must abdicate your false throne immediately, or I will punish you all... beginning with this boy."
Wonder Woman walked up to him. "Please... there has to be another way. I don't know who's responsible for this treachery"-"SILENCE, daughter! Take your place beside the Gods and your fallen brother. Don't make me bury two children this day."
They disbanded and the focus of the camera turned to Hermes, "I speak to all of Mankind on behalf of All-Father Zeus... no longer will you be left to worship alien invaders and empty promises. Superman has no dominion over Earth Now that the All-Father has reclaimed his rightful place. The world's Religions are ineffectual and obsolete. Zeus is the only Deity you need pay homage to."
Itachi turned off the screen. "So it seems like Batman has won for now. Although the sacrifice was that the Greek Gods will become the Gods of the world? I doubt that he'd do that."
Tim shook his head, "He wouldn't."
As Itachi thought about the battle that just took place his eyes widened. 'Wait..... where was Huntress during that battle? She couldn't be.....'
Aquaman noticed the concern on Itachi's face, "Is there a problem, Itachi?"
Itachi looked up with a slight glare, "I've changed my mind. We're going to go find Batman, right now."
Superboy asked, "But didn't you say you didn't know where he would be?"
"He has the Gods with him, he's more than likely going to Themyscira," he turned to Aquaman, "I'd like for you to take us there, although your involvement should be kept a secret for now."
He nodded and they all ventured out. They hid inside of a whale's mouth on the way there, and once they arrived they walked up to the tents on the shore. There were dozens of tents lined up on the shore storing Amazonians, Gods, and Heroes. An Amazon stopped them and got in a battle ready position. 'Last time I was here I was a Regime member that knocked them out, well I don't have time to clear up that misunderstanding.'
He activated his Sharingan and she fell to the ground. They got to the tent Batman was in. "Titans, I want you to stay out here while I have a talk with Batman."
They stayed in place and Itachi entered, seeing both Wonder Woman and Batman. Their eyes went wide and Wonder Woman spoke up first, "....Itachi aren't you supposed to be in the Phantom Zone?"
"No prison of yours can hold me forever Diana. But Batman. Tell me, where is Huntress?"
"... She died during the battle between Trigon and Mitzelplik."
Itachi looked down slightly, "So.... another hero has died following your plans."
His eyes narrowed, "It isn't my fault that"- Itachi punched him straight across his face, "It's never your fault IS it, Batman?.... Green Arrow, Huntress, my captivity from an exploited weakness! .... all of this could have been avoided if you weren't such a stubborn fool....." he shook his head and gritted his teeth, "Although there is nothing I can say that I haven't said before... We're done, Batman. I've had enough of your plans failing. I'm"- the ground started to shake and they all went outside and saw a huge Tidal wave towering above the side of the island that could come down on them at any time with Poseidon on top of it."
Itachi maintained his glared, not focusing on what Hermes, Wonder Woman, or Poseidon were saying. 'I'm sorry, Huntress...' the death of one of the members of his team reminded him of his own clan's death, and how it was the result of him not doing as much as he could, and letting himself be manipulated. 'No more. There will be no more heroes dying, it all ends now.'
Itachi walked to the beach and stood In front of the Tsunami. Starfire flew to Itachi's side, "None of us can do anything about this Tsunami, we have to fall back further into the island!"
Her brow raised, "No?"
"I'll stop it. But stay by my side in case I faint or anything."
"Itachi we"-Itachi looked at her with strong eye contact, "Trust me."
She stayed quiet and Itachi observed activating his Mangekyo. Wonder Woman started attacking Superman, and Apollo shot an arrow into Poseidon which made him lose control of the tidal wave. Everyone started running back, but Itachi took a deep breath. 'Fire Style: Majestic Destroyer Flame!'
His flames clashed with the tidal wave and stopped them in their tracks. Poseidon glared down at him, "You dare defy the God of the Sea?"
He put more power into the total wave and it increased in size. 'Fine then.... Amaterasu!'
His left eye became extremely bloodshot and blood poured out of it. The red flames turned into black flames that turned the tidal wave into vapor with little effort.
Once the water stopped coming he undid the jutsu and took a deep breath. He lost a lot of blood from his eye and lost his balance, but Starfire caught him before he could fall, "You did it! You saved the island."
Itachi regained his balance, "Not just yet, now we need to deal with Poseidon himself."
The Amazonians and heroes alike looked at Itachi in astonishment, shock, and more. "To think that a mortal could challenge a God like Poseidon."
Although before the fight could continue, Zeus appeared in front of Posiedon and told him to leave. After he left, Zeus confronted Superman, "My patience is at an end. Look what your insolence has wrought.... You've lost your right to inhabit this planet. Leave this world or die, Kryptonian." Superman tried to punch him, but his fist phased through him, "Your arrogance is astounding, my omnipotence is celestial. It might as well be magic to you." He swatted him away like a fly. "Be gone or many will die, beginning with the boy, Billy Batson."
Manhunter flew down to Itachi's side, "You managed to escape the Phantom Zone?"
Itachi nodded, "Yes. We got out earlier today. We were there for only more than a day, but it seems like a lot more time has passed out here."
Manhunter looked down, "Yes..... while you were gone, Huntress"-Itachi raised a hand, "I know.... I'll have to visit her grave later. Although it's my fault for not taking action sooner. I'm going to make up for that now. Manhunter, I want you to leave Batman and join me for my plan," Itachi reached out a hand.
Manhunter accepted it and they shook on it, "Of course."
The rest of the Titans walked to Itachi's side and they looked down at the situation going on between the heroes and Zeus. Superman flew off of the Planet. Itachi turned to them all. 'Besides Black Adam and Aquaman, this is everyone.' "Titans. My plan will be enacted very soon, You'll all have a part in it. Are you in?"
The Titans looked back and forth at each other. After all of Itachi's speeches, his display of power, and Batman's failures. They were becoming more loyal to Itachi as a result. Most of the Titans nodded, but Tim looked down, "I just.... need more time. And I should go see Batman. It's been three years since he has seen me."
Itachi smiled at him, "That's alright, you should go see your Dad," Tim went down the hill to Batman's side. 'I don't like Batman, but right after Superman, he has been suffering the most from this war. Losing all four of his sons, one already dead, one killed by another son that betrayed him, and one who he suspected died in the nuking more than likely. There's nothing wrong with letting him have this...' He glanced at his team, 'The jutsu I'm going to need to use normally requires that the soul has Chakra in it, so I'm going to need a Magic user to help me use Reanimation Jutsu when the time comes. The only person I can think of is Zatanna.'
Batman noticed Tim and his eyes went wide, "Tim?"
"Batman." There was a moment of silence before Tim hugged him.
Batman returned the hug, "H.... how are you here?"
They separated, "Itachi saved me and some of the other Titans from the Phantom Zone..... now that I'm back, do you think the world could still use a Batman and Robin?"
They shook hands and Batman smiled, "Yes, I do."
Meanwhile on New Genesis, the home of the New Gods. Orion flew to Highfather, "Forgive the intrusion, Highfather.... May I speak with you?"
"Of course."
"Apokolips is discharging dangerous levels of geothermal energy. If the planet's core has a meltdown, it will explode, killing millions and flooding the galaxy with radiation. They may be our adversaries, but we need to go find out what is happening."
"No need, Orion. I have spoken to The Source and know what transpires of Apokolips... Darkseid is in mortal combat with the Kryptonian called Superman."
"That is unimportant. We can't allow their fighting to threaten Apokolips and its inhabitants. Go to Apokolips, and deliver a message," he flew off, "Hello, Batman."
"Highfather, may I have a word?"
"Walk with me. The Source of all things has enlightened me regarding man's troubles with Zeus. However, it has not yet offered Guidance on this."
"I appreciate your Temperance.... but what does that mean for Earth?"
"My inclination is to wait."
"We don't have that kind of time, Highfather."
"We do not share the same timetable."
His mouth tensed, "You'd stand idle and watch the Old Gods lord over mankind?"
"It is not the role of the New Gods to interfere with the will of men."
"And what about when the Old Gods and the New transpire together?"
Highfather stopped walking and looked at him, "What do you know?"
"That Ares and Darkseid are working together."