1 hour ago, Asenguard Palace

"My Lord, you are back," Timothy, the butler, walked toward Regis and draped the warm cloak over his shoulders. "Where are your guards? Why aren't you riding the carriage?"

"Something happened on my way back. Anyway, assemble some of the guards and tell them to look for a child in Mananga Forest. She was mutilated and must have died now. Tell them to give her a proper burial," and he vanished right before his eyes.

Timothy bowed his head and gave a quick 'yes, sir' even though his master was not there. He quickly assembled some of the palace guards in accordance with his master's order. He relayed the message to them and reminded them to accomplish their task as soon as they could.

Inside the master's room, Regis sat inside the huge bathtub with his eyes closed as he recalled what happened. He was escaping from his pursuers, but the wine from his body system wasn't fully removed yet. He staggered as he walked into the forest, teleporting as far as he could while covering his scent and power.

This was the reason why he hated going to Congress Ball. It was the most awaited time of the year for the noble people from different races, but it was also the one that they needed to guard the most. Congress Ball was another stage for people to scheme against one another.

Some vampires could easily get rid of the toxins inside their bodies, including wine and other alcoholic beverages. Unfortunately, Regis has a special body constitution, and pushing the toxins away from his body would take a toll on him.

While running at top speed, almost vanishing to the naked eye, he stumbled upon a young girl's body. It wasn't his intention to run over her, but he did.

He rolled over on the muddy ground and the body was turned over several times before it stopped a few meters away from him.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Regis opened his eyes to the sound of knocking on his door. His crimson eyes were enough for one to distinguish his race, and the intensity of its redness showed that he was top among his race, but hidden behind these beautiful eyes was a dark secret.

He looked toward the door. The assigned female servant tonight came inside the huge bathroom and got into the tub with him.

This was the only spot in the palace where they could openly flirt with their master without worrying about any punishment. She already cleaned herself inside the other bathroom prepared for servants to serve the master, and now she was ready to do her job.

She pressed her body against him to let her breast slide on his chest. She was about to hold his shaft when Regis held her shoulder and kissed her hard.

The servant was utterly shocked. When it comes to flirting with their master, there was one thing that they should always keep in mind, and that was no kissing allowed. Yet, the King broke this rule himself.

The woman was overjoyed.

Regis trailed his kisses down the woman's throat while his hands busily caressed her chest. One moment, they were inside the bathroom, but when the woman opened her eyes again, they were already inside the pleasure room.

He was silent the whole time except for his groans and moans. Without saying anything, he impaled himself inside the woman and she bit her lips to keep her voice from coming out.

The woman had served him for more than a year already, but tonight, she felt that her master was a little bit rough. His thrusts were so forceful and strong that she came thrice already. It was another side of him that she discovered tonight.

"M-my Lord, are a bit rough. Are you – hmm."

"Don't speak," Regis said and the woman zipped her mouth at once.

When he was about to release everything inside her, he felt his fangs coming out. He kissed the woman again and teased her by caressing her chest with his sharp fangs. Then, he sank his teeth into her neck and drank her blood.

It sent an electrifying current in her veins and she came again.

Regis continued to drink the woman's blood and not long after, he released everything inside her. When he stopped drinking, the woman stopped moving as well. Her eyes were closed and she had gone cold. He placed her down on the bed and covered her body with a blanket in return for her service for the past year.

He wept the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked around to find a robe. "Tsk! I hate it when women get ahead of themselves. Did she forget that I can read her thoughts?" [I wonder if they were able to find that child's body already.] He thought as he looked outside the window. The rain started pouring again as if it was weeping for the cruel death of the little girl in the forest. [Burial is the least I can do for you.]