Chapter 20, Acting_1


After arriving in Linyi County, Daohua finally settled down with her parents.

Though life was not as carefree as when she was in the Yan Family village, it was still quite warm and cozy.

Perhaps out of guilt for not raising their eldest daughter by their side since childhood, both Madam Li and Yan Zhigao were very kind to Daohua.

On the tenth day after their arrival, Yan Zhiyuan and Yan Zhiqiang came back.

In the main courtyard, left wing room.

"Your second uncle and third uncle, having waited a long time for you without any news, worried that something had happened to you on the road, so they proposed to go and meet you. Unfortunately, they missed you."

As Madam Li spoke to Daohua with a smile about the reason the two brothers were not around, she inserted a delicate beaded flower into Daohua's hair. After fixing it in place, she pulled Daohua up and looked at her with a satisfied face for a while.

To this, Daohua was quite helpless.