Chapter 46, Staircase_1

Daohua paused after hearing Yan Wenxiu's words, fell silent for a while, and then said, "Big brother, I don't want to see our parents fight either, but since the gift was specifically given to me by Uncle, wouldn't I be letting him down if I took the initiative to refuse it now?"

"And also, Mother is doing this to protect me. If I stand up now and say I don't want it, wouldn't I be failing to appreciate her sincere devotion and deep concern?"

"This..." Yan Wenxiu was stunned. He only thought about preventing his parents from getting into a dispute, and hadn't fully considered the other aspects. Hearing Daohua's words, he acknowledged there was some truth to them and didn't quite know what to say for the moment.

Seeing their articulate big brother rendered speechless by their eldest sister, Yan Wenkai immediately looked at Daohua with stars in his eyes.

Eldest sister is impressive!