Chapter 57, Differential Treatment_3

Madam Yan nodded: "Go quickly and come back soon."

Daohua agreed with a smile, then slipped out, taking Yan Wenkai and Yan Wentao with her.

It was not until they had left Songhe Courtyard that Daohua, smiling, looked at Yan Wenkai and gave him a thumbs-up: "Fourth Brother, you were really cool when you hit Yan Wenjie just now." She didn't even want to call him "Second Brother" anymore.

Yan Wenkai immediately puffed up with pride, tilting his head back: "Right? Big Sister, let me tell you, your Fourth Brother is awesome. Don't worry, if anyone dares to bully you in the future, I'll beat them up."

Yan Wentao took over the conversation: "I can help too."

Daohua, with a beaming smile, felt her mood lift imperceptibly as she looked at her two brothers: "Come on, I'll make something delicious for you guys."

Hearing this, Yan Wenkai and Yan Wentao's eyes lit up.

In the main courtyard.