Chapter 67, Promoted to Prefectural Governor_1

"Wenxiu, you guys rest well today, and tomorrow your second uncle will take you all for a good stroll around the prefectural city!"

After settling into the courtyard, a stream of officials began visiting Yan Zhigao. Li Xingchang and Li Xingnian couldn't stay long, talked for a while, then prepared to leave.

Yan Zhigao had to entertain the other officials, so the duty of seeing the guests out fell on his eldest son, Yan Wenxiu.

Knowing that his younger siblings were eager to explore the prefectural city, Yan Wenxiu smiled and expressed his gratitude, "Then I'll have to trouble second uncle for this."

Li Xingnian patted Yan Wenxiu's shoulder, "Why say such formalities? You've always been this polite since you were a child. We are your uncles, after all. Isn't it expected that we should help you out with things?"

He sighed as he spoke.