Chapter 80, Casual Chat_1

After a busy day, everyone in the Yan Family was exhausted. Once the guests had left, all members gathered in the courtyard of the elderly Madam Yan.

Even the elderly Madam Yan herself became tired today. The Yan Family was short-staffed, and she had been keeping an eye on the kitchen all day long, fearing that any mistakes with the meals would become a laughing stock in others' eyes.

Seeing the fatigue on her grandmother's face, Daohua approached from behind, smiling, "Grandmother, let me give you a massage." No sooner had she finished speaking than she placed her hands on her grandmother's shoulders and began to knead them gently.

Elderly Madam Yan accepted with a face full of gratification. Despite being in fairly good health, she was unable to deny her age, and after being busy for most of the day, she felt somewhat worn out.