Chapter 93, The Gift_1

Xiao Yeyang's overnight stay at the Yan Family affected the hearts of many officials and prominent households in Xingzhou City.

The consultant's residence.

Madam Qian said to Qian Tongzhi, "Do you think we should pay a visit to the noble guest tomorrow?"

Qian Tongzhi shook his head, "Unless Prefectural Governor Yan introduces us, it wouldn't be appropriate for us to intrude. If we do anything wrong, we might even annoy the noble guest."

Hearing this, Madam Qian felt deflated, "Lately, you've been openly complying while defying Prefectural Governor Yan at the Prefectural Governor's Office. It would be good enough if he doesn't hold a grudge against you; how could he possibly help by introducing us?"

Qian Tongzhi thought for a moment, "Our family's relationship with the Yan Family cannot be severed."