Chapter 159, Got Taken Advantage of_1

Daohua was led by the Li Family's eldest aunt into the central courtyard.

Along the way, the Fan Family's matriarch stared at Daohua with a continuous smile, to the point where even Daohua, who considered herself thick-skinned, felt embarrassed.

Even upon entering the room, the Fan matriarch kept her eyes fixedly on Daohua.

"Eldest Sister-in-Law, please stop looking. You're making the young girl blush with all your staring," the second aunt from the Jiang Family intervened, rescuing Daohua from Mrs. Fan's grasp.

With a chuckle, Mrs. Fan exclaimed, "When her face turns red, she looks even prettier!"

Daohua: "..."

This eldest aunt was rather overwhelming!

Mrs. Jiang laughed as she pulled Daohua to sit down, then said, "That's just the way your Eldest Aunt is. When she sees a beautiful girl, she becomes infatuated. You don't know, but the reason she married your eldest uncle was because she fell for your beautiful mother."