Chapter 166, Over? It's done for!_1

Daohua climbed up the tree, tightly grasping the branches, and with a push, she agilely leaped onto the top of the courtyard wall, where she crouched down, steadying herself atop the wall.

The yoga of her past life and the martial arts she learned from Wang Manman in this life had not been practiced in vain.

Just as Daohua was feeling proud of her agility, a deep and hoarse growl reached her ears, and looking down, she saw two big, dark dogs staring up at her with heads raised, teeth bared, and drool dripping.

Oh my goodness!

Daohua shivered and nearly fell off the wall, thankfully, her balance was good, and she caught herself with her hands on time as her body leaned backward.

"What are you doing?"

Xiao Yeyang quickly climbed up the tree and then nimbly jumped to the top of the wall. As soon as he stabilized himself, he saw Daohua throwing things into the yard.

"Shh, there's a wicked dog in the way, and I'm in the middle of a battle of wits with it!"
