Chapter 176, Body Contract_1

Main Court.

"Second Brother, what are you laughing about?"

Madam Li looked speechlessly at Li Xingnian who'd kept a smile on his face ever since he came out of the Old Madam's courtyard.

Li Xingnian reined in his smile, "I was wondering, how come Daohua is so formidable!" Every time he thought of his brother-in-law's embarrassed and uncomfortable expression just now, he couldn't help but want to laugh.

It was one thing for a concubine to take things from home to help out her own family without mentioning it, but once it was brought to light, especially in front of her husband's legitimate family, it could be somewhat shameful.

Daohua really dared to do it, mentioning it subtly, at least leaving her father with a fig leaf of dignity.

Hearing this, Madam Li also found it somewhat amusing, but she quickly sighed, "I don't know whether this temperament of hers is good or bad."