Chapter 189, The Arrogant Parrot_1

With Xiao Yeyang's increasingly frequent visits to the Yan Family and his growing closeness to the three Yan brothers, Yan Zhigao no longer rushed over from the state yamen every time to receive him as he had before. Now, everyone interacted with less formality, somewhat like how good friends would visit each other's homes.

In the Prefectural Governor's Office.

Seeing Yan Zhigao handling official business with calm and composure, and not rushing home to receive the Little Prince upon his arrival, everyone felt both envious and wistful.

"The Little Prince is so intimate with the Yan Family?"

Zhu, the instructing master, hasn't been here for long, and most of what he knew before were rumors and hearsay. Now, witnessing it all firsthand, he realized that the Yan Family was indeed on the rise.

If not for their closeness, how could Master Yan remain so serene?