Chapter 197, Only What You Have Is Truly Yours_1

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, life returned to its usual state. Daohua attended her classes, practiced with the whip, and every day was as busy and fulfilling as ever.

September arrived in the blink of an eye.

With the entrance of September, the weather cooled down, and the coming and going of visitors among the families increased. Madam Li received quite a few invitations, all for social visits to appreciate flowers and tea.

Daohua wasn't very interested in these activities. She found it difficult to converse with a group of young ladies who had grown up immersed in the traditional values of "Three Obediences and Four Virtues."

People like Zhou Jingwan were only more approachable because they were doted on at home and weren't too tightly bound by rules and etiquette, allowing for some jokes and playful teasing.

If it were other young ladies, if Daohua joked too loudly, became too boisterous, or seemed too unconventional, she really feared she might startle them seriously.