Chapter 215: No One Should Despise Anyone - Part 1

Zhongzhou Province, bordering Fenxi Province to the north, was bustling with activity when Commander Shen escorted the grain seeds over, and a troop of soldiers immediately welcomed them.

Recognizing the leader as Guo Qiang, Governor Guo's trusted aide, Commander Shen breathed a sigh of relief.

Because the last batch of grain seeds had been hijacked, he had been on edge throughout the journey, taking every precaution.

"Brother Lu Shuo."

"Brother Shen."

The two greeted each other with a formal exchange.

Lu Shuo clenched his fists and said with a grateful face, "Brother Shen, you have had a hard journey."

Commander Shen smiled and waved his hand, "There's no need to mention it, Brother Lu Shuo—we're all working for the Governor." He was once a soldier under Guo Mao, the current Duke Dingguo, who was Governor Guo's father; naturally, he was devoted to the affairs of his former lord.