Chapter 218, The Fight Begins_1

"Mother, this is the New Year's gift list I prepared for auntie; please take a look."

Daohua handed the gift list to Madam Li.

Madam Li took the list and glanced over it, noting the inclusion of food, clothing, and other necessities, "Has Grandmother seen this?"

Daohua nodded, "Everything on the list was decided upon after discussing it with Grandmother. Do you see anything that needs to be added or removed?"

Madam Li smiled and set the gift list down, "The items are very thoroughly prepared. However, we could add some more goods produced on our own estates. Your auntie is frail, and foods like black rice and red dates are very nourishing; give her some extra."

Daohua readily agreed, grinning as she asked, "Mother, are you on very good terms with auntie? I notice the gifts you prepare for her every year are always particularly generous."