Chapter 228, Taking Over the Kitchen _1

After the start of spring, Daohua had been very busy, busy with her lessons, busy inspecting the various estates. At the same time, Madam Li had also given her a task, which was to learn how to manage the kitchen.

"Mother, why do I have to manage the kitchen all of a sudden?"

Daohua was somewhat reluctant, wanting to shirk the chore, but there was no help for it, she had too much to learn every day—knowledge from books, calligraphy, embroidery, playing the zither and burning incense. In the mornings, she even had to get up to practice with a whip and still find time to manage estates and shops.

It was truly a case of rising earlier than the chickens, sleeping later than the dogs, more overworked than an office drone.

It was just that the rewards were pretty satisfactory; otherwise, she would have wanted to drop everything and quit.

What happened to the promised easy life?