Chapter 266, Better Again_1

On the deck, Daohua chatted and laughed with everyone for a while. Seeing her fourth brother teaching two cousins how to use a telescope to look at the distant scenery, and her second uncle and three cousins talking with her eldest brother, she looked around and realized there was no sign of Xiao Yeyang.

"Why are you sitting here alone?"

Daohua looked around and found Xiao Yeyang sitting by himself at the stern, drinking tea. Observing him staring blankly at the distant river, and recalling his family background, she suddenly felt sorry for him.

Xiao Yeyang glanced at Daohua and, remembering how she cherished the whip Dong Yuanxuan had given her, didn't feel like talking to her. Without saying anything, he turned his head away again.

Seeing him act this way, Daohua was somewhat puzzled, not understanding what was making him sulk again. However, she didn't mind; she laughed and sat down opposite him, saw the teapot on the table, and poured herself a cup of tea without asking.