Chapter 305, Goodbye_1

Taohua Village.

The old woman stood atop Taohua Mountain, quietly watching the people below who were coming over to reclaim the wasteland. Seeing her brother coming with a steaming bowl of medicine, she took the bowl from him without changing her expression and drank it all at once.

"Sister, this is the candied fruit I bought in the county town, you can hold it in your mouth to get rid of the bitter taste," Gu Jian extended a packet of candied fruit to the old woman.

The old woman shook her head, "I've drunk medicine for so many years, I'm already numb to the bitterness, I don't need any candied fruit."

Hearing this, Gu Jian's face darkened silently and he put back the candied fruit.

The old woman's gaze returned to the mountain below, "It's been a few months since we moved here, and only in the past two days have we really seen some signs of life. By the way, have you heard who bought that plot of land at the foot of the mountain?"