Chapter 307, Apprenticeship_2


Under the guidance of Daohua, some short-term workers familiar with farming quickly learned how to plant yams.

With them watching over, Daohua's workload was much lighter and she started to spend more time on the mountain.

One day, Xiaoliu went to the county town to make some purchases and encountered someone selling black-bone chickens. Thinking of Old Lady Yan currently residing on Taohua Mountain, he bought two to show his filial respect.

Daohua's eyes lit up at the sight of the black-bone chickens and asked Wang Manman to carry the prepared chickens back to Taohua Temple. Seeing her grandmother and Old Lady Gu picking vegetables in the courtyard, she said with a smile, "Grandmother, Old Lady Gu, I will make black-bone chicken soup for you tonight."

The two elderly ladies looked at each other and smiled, "Then you'd better make it tasty."

Daohua took the chickens into the kitchen and began busying herself.