Chapter 330: Shrimp Peeling Expert_1

"I'm sorry, I apologize to you, don't be angry anymore!"

Xiao Yeyang nudged Daohua's arm, looking at her somewhat pitifully.

Daohua glanced at him, took a sip of tea, "Xiao Yeyang, I accept your apology, I'm not angry anymore."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Yeyang's face lit up with joy, and just as he was about to take a sip of his tea, he heard Daohua speak again.

"Xiao Yeyang, I am a person who takes things seriously. If there's something you cannot do in the future, never mention it to me, because if you do, you must follow through."

Seeing Daohua's serious face, Xiao Yeyang looked deeply into her eyes and nodded solemnly.

Seeing his nod, Daohua smiled brightly, "Alright, let's put that behind us and order some food. I hardly ate anything this morning before coming out, and now I am hungry."

Xiao Yeyang also smiled, knocked on the table, and the room door was opened from the outside.

Defu and Wang Manman came in, both smiling.

"Master, Miss Yan, here is the menu."