Chapter 341, The Restlessness of Adolescence_1

In the pavilion, watching Daohua eat litchis in small bites with lowered eyes, Xiao Yeyang felt completely content, "It seems you quite like these litchis. Next year, I'll get you more. For now, just try these fresh ones."

Daohua hastily said, "There's no need to trouble yourself..."

"No trouble at all!" Xiao Yeyang cut in with a smile, "You don't have to be so formal with me. Haven't you said it yourself? We are friends; there's no need to stand on ceremony."

Daohua gave an embarrassed smile. That wasn't what she meant, was it?

Xiao Yeyang had wanted to watch Daohua finish the litchis, but after only a few bites, the trusted aide beside his uncle came to find him, requesting him to mingle with the guests.

Daohua quickly swallowed the litchi in her mouth, "You better go attend to your duties. I should also return to the banquet; otherwise, my mother will worry."