Chapter 363, Lottery Draw_1

Due to the Xiangyang Glass Factory's commencement of glaze sales, the last couple of days have seen an unprecedented buzzing in Ningmen Prefecture City, with merchants traveling from south to north and officials from noble families closely monitoring the event.

In a second-floor, street-facing private room of a restaurant on the main street of the Prefecture City, Daohua, Dong Yuanyao, and Su Shiyu, who had finished their shopping spree, were now taking a tea break there, somewhat surprised by the constant stream of passersby on the street.

Daohua, "Xiao Yeyang's decision to build Daxia's first glass factory in Ningmen Prefecture has indirectly assisted my father."

Putting other matters aside, the influx of people from all quarters was certain to stimulate local economic growth.

As the economy grew, so would the tax revenue.

Dong Yuanyao and Su Shiyu did not respond to these words.

As for who helped whom, that remained to be seen!