Seeing the silver haired man disappear made Marcus really feel like he had gone mental, and why did he ask of Amelia of all people, Marcus grabbed his hair with the two hands trying to process everything but it was like a unsolvable puzzle to him so he dropped the thoughts and laid down to sleep thinking of how to repair his relationship with Mia, he loved her and their child and would not want to lose them, he had already lost one family.

After Amelia's death Marcus felt a bit guilty that he had treated her like that despite all they have been through together, maybe that was why he has been seeing her everywhere since her death, it was probably his punishment.


Silva went to the hospital in which Marcus was hospitalised in before he transferred to the psychiatrist hospital.

Silva went straight for the control rooms were tapes of the CCTV cameras were kept with the intention of looking at the recordings for that day own.