Damon weak laughter full of disbelief sounded in the room making Asis feel like he was being mocked as he clenched his fists tightly glaring at the direction in which Damon was contained.

"So that's the lie he has been feeding you." Damon said finally after he had stopped laughing he did not know if this son of his was even smart at all that he would believe that nonsense.

When Asis did not give any reply, Damon spoke further, "Let me guess, he maltreated you for some years and after some time he came back home apologising saying it was your mother and I fault for his behaviour and then the bastard starts showering you with love?" Damon guessed accurately with a weak smile on his face, "So it's indeed true." Asis snorted taking it that since Damon knew about it then he was finally admitting to doing those things.