
I awoke several hours later, feeling utterly fatigued and overwhelmed by the remnants of Rythmeus's seminal fluid within me. To my astonishment, I discovered that I was the sole occupant of the bed, with no sign of Rythmeus in the room.

Me: Groaning... Blast...

As I surveyed myself, a peculiar realization dawned upon me—I observed that Rythmeus's seed had inexplicably vanished. It was no longer present within my being.

Me: What on Earth...

Just as I contemplated this enigma, the sound of the room's door being opened reached my ears. I turned my gaze towards the intruder, and to my surprise, it was Rythmeus himself.

Rythmeus: Good morning. I have brought you some water. It is important to stay hydrated after expending bodily fluids in such a manner... Haha.

I smiled and chuckled briefly in response.

Me: You certainly did perform admirably last night. I am curious, though, is this a regular occurrence for you with other humans?

Rythmeus approached me, extending the glass of water in "his" hand. "He" replied:

Rythmeus: Well, it is not an everyday occurrence, but I do engage in such encounters from time to time. You see, when individuals, regardless of their gender, are exposed to a colossal and alluring being like myself, they often experience intense infatuation...

My physique and presence seem to elicit an overwhelming attraction in mortals, and they develop a strong affinity for me and my body...

Me: What if there are individuals who do not find your form appealing?

Rythmeus: In such cases, I possess the ability to transform my appearance to suit their desires. I have the power to shapeshift.

Me: Ah, I understand.

I proceeded to drink from the glass, consuming all of its contents.

After finishing, I set the glass aside.

Me: Phew... that was refreshing.

Rythmeus: I am pleased to have been of assistance. It is akin to a "reward" for me in a certain sense.

Hearing your sweet little moans while i completely dominate and fuck you... sounds pretty nice, dont you think?

I found myself blushing in response to those words.

Me: Yes, you truly possess a dominant presence as a god...

Rythmeus chuckled briefly before speaking again.

Rythmeus: I was merely teasing you, no need to worry. But if you desire, I can allow you to have a similar experience in the future, if you so wish~

Me: Well... that sounds like an intriguing idea for another time. For now, I think I need to take a bath.

Rythmeus: Certainly... come along with me.

Rythmeus proceeded towards the door, waiting for me to join him. I stood up and walked towards "him".

Rythmeus: Allow me to teleport us there instead.

In that moment, Rythmeus snapped "his" fingers, causing us to teleport directly to his bathroom. As I looked around, I was astounded by the enormity of the space. Everything in the bathroom seemed tailored to Rythmeus's size—the bathtub resembled a swimming pool that could easily accommodate me, and everything else reflected the same grand scale.

Rythmeus gazed at the bathtub and posed a question:

Rythmeus: So, would you prefer to bathe alone?

Upon hearing that, my blush intensified further.

Me (in my mind): Alone? Could it mean that I have the opportunity to take a bath with Rythmeus himself? Hell yeah! I'd love to bathe with "him."

With newfound confidence, I responded:

Me: No, I would like to bathe with you.

Rythmeus then looked at me, a smile adorning "his" face.

Rythmeus: Excellent choice. Since both of us are already unclothed, we can step in together.

Rythmeus snapped "his" fingers, causing the bathtub to fill with hot water that seemingly appeared out of thin air. Afterward, Rythmeus lifted me up, carrying me gently as we approached the inviting bathtub.

As we stood before the bathtub, Rythmeus gracefully entered the tub, reclining comfortably and cradling me in "his" arms like a cherished pet.

The water enveloped us, its warmth and soothing embrace bringing me a sense of contentment. I found myself relishing in the sensation.

Rythmeus: So... what are your thoughts? Is it to your liking?

Me: Yes, I truly enjoy it... And also, I have a few questions.

Rythmeus: Of course, feel free to ask.

Me: Did you and Brock engage in any activities while I was absent?

Rythmeus: Ah, yes. I exposed Brock to the wondrous realms that exist beyond this universe, and he was utterly enthralled by the experience.

Me: That's truly remarkable.

Rythmeus: Indeed, Brock's mind has expanded significantly as he acquired newfound knowledge. He now possesses a deep sense of satisfaction and happiness.

A smile formed on my face as I listened to Rythmeus's words.

Me: I understand. Brock is an exceptionally intelligent young individual. Despite being only 13 years old, he possesses a wealth of knowledge and exhibits remarkable gifts.

Rythmeus: I am well aware of Brock's potential. I sense tremendous promise within him. As he grows older, I am confident he will become an extraordinary individual.


After taking a bath, eating, and getting ready, i got out from rythmeus's palace, i was pretty satisfied of how he treated me, yet i was curious of what happened more between him and brock...

I wanted to ask brock couple questions left and right, and asking about his views of life... his views of what he truly thinks, i was curious about that.

Couple minutes have passed and i returned to the city, i didnt really know if brock was in his house or that he was somewhere else...

As i kept going, i went to brock's house, approaching its door and knocking on it.

Me: ...

No one answered.

I then knocked on the door again... and yet, no one answered.

Me(mind): hmm.. he is probably not here, ill leave.

And as i turned around, i heard a sound of the door behind me, opening, i then turned around.

Me: ?...

To my surprise, the individual who opened the door was not Brock but an adult man, presumably his father.

The man inquired:

Man: Who are you? Is there something you need?

I responded:

Me: Yes, I am searching for a dear friend of mine named Brock. Are you his father?

Man: Yes, I am his father... Who are you exactly?

Me: I'm Liran, one of his friends. Has Brock mentioned anything about me to you?

Brock's father smiled warmly and replied:

Brock's father: Yes, I've heard about you. My son holds you in high regard. He finds you quite fascinating and cool.

I couldn't help but smile at his words.

Me: Well, that's delightful to hear. Do you happen to know where he is at the moment?

Brock's father: He's not here right now. He's at school; they have some activities taking place there.

Me: I see. Thank you so much for informing me. I'll pay him a visit at school then. Goodbye.

Brock's father: You're welcome. See you later.

With those parting words, Brock's father closed the door.

In that moment, I knew my next destination. I began making my way toward the school where Brock was currently attending.


