
???'S POV:

Me: Death, step forth.

Upon uttering those words, a figure materialized from absolute nothingness, an entity assuming the semblance of a humanoid draped in a dark, hooded cloak.

The being slowly approached me, gracefully bowing before my presence.

Death: Yes, master. What is your command?

Me: A peculiar entity has emerged, one that cunningly outwitted the deities responsible for the very fabric of the cosmos.

This being, appearing as a mere "human," possessed the ability to nullify the powers of the celestial higher powers, posing a formidable threat to those deities beneath me.

This entity is known as "Liran."

Death: I understand. What would you have me do? Are there further aspects that make this "Liran" extraordinary?

Me: I am unable to perceive them... I cannot discern their powers. There is something about this being that piques my curiosity.

Death, I created you as an embodiment of the fundamental law governing the entire physical universe. When mortals meet their demise, they shall encounter you.

Death: Fascinating... Even as the harbinger of ultimate cessation, I too remain impervious to sensing the presence of this "Liran." You are correct in your assessment.

Me: Bring him to me, whether in life or in death.

It is conceivable that "Liran" may have acquaintances who can provide insight and lead you to his whereabouts. Once you have obtained this information, bring him before me.

Go forth! Retrieve "Liran" for me!

Bring "the brilliant man in the grey zone" to my palace!

Death: Yes, master.

With those words, Death vanished from sight.


Two days have elapsed since I began the arduous process of removing these detrimental elements from my life. In the meantime, I have been residing within Rythmeus's opulent palace.

These initial two days proved to be exceptionally challenging, as I battled incessant urges that plagued me relentlessly. However, with the support and assistance of both Rythmeus and Liran, I found myself steadily progressing on the path to recovery.

It was now the afternoon, and I lay upon my bed, seeking a moment of respite. Suddenly, an urge swept over me—an intense desire to step outside and inhale the crisp air. After all, I had been confined within the confines of the palace for quite some time.

Me (thoughts): Perhaps I should venture outside...

With that notion firmly in mind, I rose from the bed, standing tall, and proceeded to walk towards the door. Opening it, I stepped out into the hallway, ensuring to close the door behind me.

I now found myself standing in the corridor, contemplating my next course of action.

Rythmeus's palace never ceased to amaze me—it was a constant source of astonishment. The sheer size of the palace was mind-boggling, akin to a small city or perhaps even more expansive. It boasted numerous hallways, rooms, floors, and an array of magical and technological marvels that I had never encountered before.

This place exuded a sense of grandeur that was truly majestic.

As I made my way towards the exit, a familiar voice reached my ears—it was the voice of Rythmeus.

Rythmeus: Where are you heading?

Me: I am stepping outside momentarily to indulge in a breath of fresh air.

Rythmeus: Very well. Take care and stay safe.

After those words, the voice faded away, leaving behind a serene silence.

Me (thoughts): Alright...

With determination, I continued my journey towards the exit.

After a few minutes of walking, I caught sight of the grand doors that marked the entrance to the palace. Drawing closer, I approached the doors, opening them and stepping outside, ensuring to close them securely behind me.

Me (thoughts): Hm... Where should I go?

There were several options available to me—should I take a stroll along the beach? Explore the desert? Or simply wander through the bustling city? Each choice held its own appeal, yet I ultimately decided to venture towards an abandoned location near the desert.

Perhaps I would uncover something of interest there.

With my mind made up, I began my trek towards the desert.

After a few minutes of walking, I arrived at the designated spot—a forsaken place resembling a small farm or a dilapidated outpost. It contained remnants of bygone days, old artifacts strewn about the area.

I recalled visiting this place with Liran. On those occasions, we often encountered a group of kids led by an insufferable individual—a despicable figure who delighted in tormenting and threatening us. He audaciously claimed ownership over the base, an assertion we knew to be utter nonsense.

Now standing before the entrance to the base, I pushed open the door, only to be confronted by someone familiar. It was none other than that individual named Frank.

Me: ?...

Frank glanced in my direction, clutching a packet of cigarettes in his hand.

Me: Frank?!...

Upon hearing my voice, Frank took a closer look at me, and within moments, he was overcome with astonishment.

Frank: Derek?! Is that really you?

Me: Indeed! It has been quite some time since we last crossed paths.

Frank: Damn, you're right. Let's leave this base and catch up.

Me: Alright.

A few minutes later...

Frank and I stood outside the base, side by side, ready to engage in conversation.

Me: My, my... It has been an incredibly long time. It seems you're the only one here now, am I correct?

Frank: Yep, those bunch of kids... they're nothing but a nuisance.

Frank retrieved a cigarette from his packet.

Frank: Want one?

Me: No, thank you. I'm good, but I appreciate the offer.

Frank appeared a bit perplexed by my response.

Frank: Really? You've quit smoking? Why is that?

Me: Yes, I made the decision to quit smoking because, to be brutally honest, it was nothing but detrimental to my life. It was only dragging me down.

Frank: Really? Come on, one cigarette won't hurt.

Me: I have to politely decline your offer.

Frank: Alright...

Frank proceeded to take out his lighter, igniting the cigarette, and began smoking.

Frank: So, Derek... I remember being a real jerk when you and your friend came around here. It was a wild time.

Me: Yeah... I recall you shouting at us, making threats as if you owned the place. It was all a load of nonsense.

Frank: I know... You gotta stand up for yourself at some point in life, you know? Sometimes you need to carry a weapon for protection.

Me: ?...

Frank: Let me show you.

Frank then reached into his pocket and pulled out a pistol.

Me: ?! You have a gun?

Frank: Yeah.

Frank proceeded to spit out his cigarette, stomping on it to extinguish it completely.

Frank: You see, when you're dealing with certain individuals who pose a serious threat, you have to carry a weapon for self-defense. I've been carrying this gun for a while now.

Me: Have you been involved with other groups, gangs, or such?

Frank: Yeah, sometimes I've had encounters with some real assholes. Unfortunately, I've also taken the lives of a few people.

Me: My goodness... How does that make you feel?

Frank: It's strange, really. Killing someone, snuffing out their life... It's an odd sensation, yet strangely captivating.

Me: Hm... How many have you killed?

Frank: ... About twelve.

I was taken aback by his confession. That same Frank, the kid who used to bully us, now a murderer? Did he kill those people out of self-defense or simply because he wanted to? I couldn't fathom it.

Me: What?! Why?

Frank: It's a long story... I've had my fair share of fights, going head-to-head with those bastards. But now... I'm doing alright, at least for the time being.

We stood there, lost in thought, for a few minutes, contemplating the events that unfolded.

A couple of minutes later, Frank placed his pistol back in his pocket.

Frank: You know... It's really something to meet you here, in this particular place and time. It feels so nostalgic, don't you think?

Me: Yes, I agree. It's quite intriguing to encounter each other in such a specific moment and location.

At that point, the sun was setting, and it was getting darker.

Frank: my my... its getting pretty late, the sun is going down and its nearly evening, we have been talking for quite a bit.

I always get strange feelings when im in the desert in that time, dont you think?

Me: i know right? Its so peaceful in a way...

Frank: i think that its time to go now, i will see you later, ok?

Me: sure, ill see you later goodby-


Before i could finish my words, i started to feel something extremely horrible, an intense feeling of dread and fear.

Frank: hey... are you alrigh- ?!

The looks on frank face quickly changed, from a look of worry on his face, it became something much worse than that... frank felt that feeling too.

Me: What the?! What is happening?!

Suddenly, a powerful and thunderous voice echoed from above:

???: Derek!

Me: ?!

Frank: What the hell!?

Within moments, a figure materialized out of thin air. Descending from above, the being landed on the sand a few meters in front of us.

Both Frank and I were frozen in shock.

The being that stood before us was humanoid in appearance, with a masculine form. Cloaked in darkness, the figure bore no visible weapons. However, their immense size and muscular physique commanded attention. They stood at a towering height of approximately 6 meters.

I have never beheld an individual who exuded such an aura of frightfulness before... 'He' surpassed even the ominous presence of Rhythmeus.

Frank: What in the world...

That entity uttered not a word... 'He' merely cast a disdainful gaze upon us, and subsequently commenced a gradual approach.

Myself and Frank: ?!

In response, I instinctively retreated several paces, compelled to extricate myself from this predicament.

Me: Frank, let us expeditiously depart this place!

Frank promptly extracted his firearm from his pocket, directing its aim towards that creature while vociferating:

Frank: Maintain a respectable distance!... or face the consequences of my gunfire!

Following Frank's menacing ultimatum, the entity remained silent, opting instead to advance unabated, progressively encroaching upon our position.

Frank: ?!...

At that juncture, the creature raised 'his' hand, and as soon as 'he' did so, Frank commenced discharging rounds upon 'him'.

Me: Frank!... Exercise caution!

Frank continued discharging his weapon, relentlessly and repeatedly, yet to no avail. The creature appeared impervious to the onslaught, undeterred by the barrage of bullets.

Frank continued his relentless barrage until he depleted his ammunition.

Frank: Blast it!...

In that moment, the entity nonchalantly snapped 'his' fingers using the raised hand, and presto,

Frank's firearm vanished into thin air.

Upon this occurrence, both Frank and I were consumed by an overwhelming sense of terror, particularly Frank.

Frank: What... how is this possible?!

In that very instant, the creature once again snapped "his" fingers, resulting in Frank being instantaneously transported to a position adjacent to "him".

Me: !!!

Frank found himself utterly defenseless in this dire situation, facing an imminent demise.

The entity then stooped down, gently making contact with Frank's head... and shortly thereafter, "he" released him.

Frank subsequently turned towards my direction and commenced walking toward me.

However, before Frank could reach me, he collapsed onto the sandy terrain, rendered immobile.

Me: Frank?...

I knelt down, intending to assess Frank's condition, but before I could make contact with him,


Frank's head detonated, resulting in a gruesome display of blood splatter. His entire cranial region vanished, and I found myself drenched in his crimson essence, with fragments of his brain scattered in every direction.

I was consumed by sheer horror.

I was paralyzed with terror.

Me: FRANK!!!


