Having emerged victorious in my encounter with death, the task proved less arduous than anticipated. However, a particular facet piqued my curiosity...
"The black king," an entity transcending the realms of chaos, "he" was the progenitor of death itself. Such a revelation holds profound intrigue...
Moreover, it appears that even the black king harbored a desire to delve deeper into the intricacies of my abilities, as articulated by death:
"Your very 'existence' defies 'him'... in a manner."
Me (in thought): Fascinating... I shall now make my way back to Rythmeus's palace and relay the entirety of the events that unfolded between death and me.
I proceeded to traverse the path leading back to Rythmeus's palace, a few minutes swiftly elapsing. Standing before the grand doors, I opened them, entered the resplendent palace, and firmly closed them behind me. With determined steps, I made my way towards Derek's chamber.
After a brief passage of time, I arrived at the door that granted access to Derek's room. I opened it and entered, ensuring its closure thereafter. Inside, I beheld Rythmeus seated beside Derek's bed. Both Rythmeus and Derek turned their attention toward me as I made my entrance.
Rythmeus: Where hast thou been?... What hath occurred?
Me: I engaged in a confrontation with the individual responsible for Derek's affliction—I faced death itself.
Rythmeus: WHAT?!...
Liran hath indeed engaged in direct combat with death "himself"?... And he hath returned unscathed?
I found myself overwhelmed with astonishment. How could Liran confront such an immensely powerful entity? To emerge from such an encounter alive?...
Death, a being of incomparable might, capable of laying waste to denizens within the realms of chaos. I was left flabbergasted and astounded.
Me: Didst thou... emerge victorious?
Liran: Aye, I hath triumphed over death.
Me: Goodness gracious, thou art truly extraordinary. I am at a loss for words, for thou hath confronted death "himself"...
And emerged victorious?!
Liran: Indeed, I overcame "him." Furthermore, "he" hath divulged more information regarding the entity who dispatched "him."
Me: Pray tell...
Liran: The entity who sent forth death... is none other than the black king.
Upon hearing these words, I found myself utterly speechless... "The black king," the very being who constructed "his" own palace, the one who brought forth and dispatched death "himself" to carry out "his" bidding.
Me: Wherefore did the black king send death in pursuit of thee?
Liran: Death conveyed unto me that my very existence challenges the black king in some manner... It appears that even "he" was impressed by my powers.
Doth thou possess further knowledge regarding the black king?
Me: The black king is an exceedingly potent entity, wielding a might so great that the entirety of the lands of chaos and its denizens are naught but diminutive ants in "his" presence.
To have a being of "his" caliber express such profound admiration for thy abilities is utterly astounding.
Liran: I perceive... What course of action ought we undertake now?
Considering that death may have returned to the black king's palace... Shall the king himself endeavor to apprehend me?
Me: I cannot fathom... What shall thou now pursue?
Liran: Hm... What if we were to ascend to "his" palace? What if we were to confront the black king directly within "his" domain?
Me: I harbor reservations regarding that notion... Art thou absolutely certain? Ascending to the abode of the black king is an exceedingly perilous endeavor. Merely lingering within its confines for an extended period could prove fatal. I recall the time spent there with Brock, wherein I utilized my powers to safeguard his essence. Yet, even then, our stay was fraught with difficulty.
Art thou genuinely resolute in thy desire to proceed?
Liran: I am resolute without a doubt.
Heading to the black king's palace indeed presents an intriguing prospect—meeting the "boss" himself and engaging in a direct confrontation within "his" domain. However, I felt that undertaking this journey alongside Derek would be a more fitting choice than accompanying Rythmeus. Yet, before embarking, I knew it was imperative to heal Derek.
Me: Rythmeus, couldst thou employ thy powers to restore Derek's well-being?
Rythmeus: Very well...
Rythmeus then placed "his" hand gently upon Derek's countenance. In an instant, a radiant burst of light emanated from Derek's form, and after a few moments, Rythmeus withdrew "his" hand as the luminosity subsided.
Shortly thereafter, Derek slowly rose from his bed, appearing restored to full health.
Derek: Thank the heavens... I feel revitalized now.
Me: Derek, thou shalt accompany me to the black king's palace. Together, we shall confront this individual and resolve matters with "him."
Rythmeus... thou shalt remain here. Understand?
Rythmeus: Very well... May both of thee remain safe.
Derek: Alright... Let us proceed.