my joy


I teleported back to our base and contemplated whether to teleport directly into the council chambers to convey the events that had unfolded. However, to show respect and courtesy, I decided to make my way there in person.

After a few minutes, I arrived at the council chambers. Epsilon, seated upon "his" majestic throne a few meters away, caught my attention. I respectfully bowed to Epsilon and the other gods present.

Me: Epsilon, I bring momentous news.

Epsilon: What is it? Speak.

Me: Liran and his companions have triumphed over the two entities that emerged from the palace of the Black King.

Epsilon: Is that so? Who were these entities?

Me: They were named "Despair" and "Death"... Liran and his friends succeeded in eliminating them.

As I finished relaying the information, I raised my gaze to Epsilon's countenance... only to find "him" looking utterly astonished...

Epsilon: What?!... "Death" and "Despair" have been vanquished and completely eradicated?

Me: That is correct. They no longer pose a threat.

As I spoke those words, I continued to observe Epsilon's expression, and to my astonishment, "he" smiled...

Me: ?!...

Epsilon, a being of immense power and might, was smiling... It was an extraordinary sight, as I had never seen "him" in such a state before. It felt like witnessing a miracle.

Epsilon: Incredible! They were truly defeated and eliminated by Liran and his companions. What an extraordinary human being Liran is. I am immensely proud of him.

Me: I share your sentiments. Liran is a miraculous presence that has graced us with his assistance, striving to bring goodness to all of existence. We are fortunate to have him by our side.

Epsilon: Indeed, Liran is one of the finest beings to have ever existed. He brings joy not only to us but to all others as well.

Liran... My joy.





We find ourselves now standing before the majestic gates of Rythmeus's splendid palace...

Me: Ah, behold! We have arrived at the exquisite abode of my esteemed companion...

Eve: Indeed, this place is of grand proportions.

Me: Precisely. Allow me to announce our presence by bestowing a gentle knock upon these resplendent doors...

With grace, I approached the imposing entrance of the palace and rapped on them delicately.

After a brief pause, the doors swung open, revealing Rythmeus, who stood a few meters ahead of us.

Rythmeus: Ah, how delightful to witness your return, accompanied by esteemed guests. Pray, do enter.

Rythmeus then stepped aside, granting us passage, and after a short while, we crossed the threshold into his magnificent palace. Once inside, Rythmeus gracefully closed the doors...

Rythmeus: So, how fared your journey? What adventures did you undertake?

Me: My dear friend, the tale is truly extraordinary. Let us find a suitable spot to converse...

Rythmeus: Very well. Please, follow my lead...

Rythmeus proceeded to lead us toward the path that led to the opulent living room. After a few minutes of strolling, we arrived, beholding the vastness of this luxurious space...

Eve: This place is a marvel, breathtaking in its beauty and grandeur...

As we surveyed the living room, our eyes beheld an array of colossal couches, elegant chairs, exquisite tables, and an assortment of magical and advanced contrivances, culminating in a colossal television set.

Rythmeus: Do not hesitate, my friends. Take a seat upon one of these expansive couches...

We proceeded towards one of these magnificent couches, and upon reaching its vicinity, we effortlessly ascended onto its plush surface. The couch proved to be incredibly comfortable...

Eve: How delightful...

I settled myself next to Eve, marveling at her statuesque figure, towering at least 9 feet in height. Slowly, I reclined on the couch, resting my head upon her majestic left thigh...

Eve: ?!...

A blush adorned Eve's visage, yet her reaction exhibited neither displeasure nor anger. Instead, a sense of serenity permeated her being, for she too found solace in the moment.

After a brief interlude, Rythmeus approached and settled on the adjacent couch, joining us. And then, after a few moments of contemplation, he began to speak:

Rythmeus: Perhaps you two might require a more secluded chamber... if you catch my drift~

Eve's blush deepened at his remark, prompting her to cover her face in embarrassment.

Eve: Oh my...

Rythmeus: Hehe, fear not, my jest was in good humor. Now, do enlighten me—what adventures did you partake in?

Derek, who was seated beside me, took the initiative to respond:

Derek: Well, we successfully infiltrated the base, and things unfolded rather smoothly...

Rythmeus: Truly? Pray, elaborate further.

Derek: To put it succinctly, Liran expressed his desire to work alongside them and improve existence, which led to his acceptance. I, too, was welcomed into their ranks.

Rythmeus: And what transpired thereafter?

Derek: We engaged in various experiments and encountered a myriad of beings on our path. Additionally, Liran had the pleasure of meeting Eve as well...

Upon hearing Derek's account, Eve directed her gaze towards Rythmeus.

Eve: Hello!

Rythmeus returned Eve's gaze with interest.

Rythmeus: Ah, so that is your name. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Eve. I am Rythmeus.

Eve: Greetings, Rythmeus. You truly have remarkable friends.

Rythmeus: I am grateful for your kind words.

Rythmeus then shifted his attention towards Derek, indicating for him to continue.

Derek: Following Liran's encounter with Eve, two deceptive individuals claiming to be researchers from the Palace of the Black King appeared.

Upon Liran's return to the base, he was overwhelmed by a sense of dread, suspecting that these impostors were none other than "Death" and "Despair."

Rythmeus: What?! "Death" and "Despair"? Pray, what unfolded next?

Derek: To summarize, we engaged in a fierce battle against them, utilizing the gloves you bestowed upon us. I managed to vanquish and eliminate "Death," while Eve triumphed over "Despair."

Rythmeus was visibly astonished by Derek's revelation.

Rythmeus: What?! You and Eve have vanquished "Death" and "Despair"?...

Derek: Indeed, we were able to achieve victory with relative ease. By combining the powers of the gloves with our unwavering determination, we emerged triumphant against these adversaries.

Rythmeus was thoroughly impressed, his astonishment evident in his expression.

Rythmeus: Truly remarkable! Both you and Eve, to have conquered "Death" and "Despair" themselves. This surpasses all expectations...

Eve then extended her right hand, revealing the glove she had donned.

As Rythmeus laid his eyes upon the glove, confirming Derek's account, Eve gently lowered her arm, placing it upon her other imposing thigh.

Rythmeus: What can I say? I am immensely proud and astounded. I am sincerely grateful that the two of you achieved such a feat. You have truly excelled...

Derek and Eve exchanged smiles, basking in Rythmeus's praise.

Derek: So, what shall we do next?

Rythmeus: All of you shall rest here. It is already afternoon...

Would that be agreeable to all of you?

Me: Certainly, I have no objections.

Rythmeus: Very well, you are welcome to recline upon these couches if you wish. I shall fetch some water...

Me: Thank you, we appreciate it...

Rythmeus gracefully rose from his seat and made his way towards the path leading to the kitchen.

Meanwhile, Eve, Derek, and I remained seated on the couch, embracing the tranquility of the moment. I found myself sinking further into relaxation, resting my head upon Eve's monumental thigh.

A sense of calm and serenity enveloped us, creating an atmosphere of profound peace.





"Death" and "despair" were vanquished, utterly obliterated and eliminated by the valiant efforts of Liran and his comrades...

Liran, what an intriguing specimen of humanity... perchance I shall descend and personally address you and your companions...

Liran, you shall confront me once more...


