theyre still out there

After a few minutes of walking, I finally arrived at the familiar alley with the door at its end—the same door Derek had forcefully opened for us to proceed downstairs.

With a firm grip, I turned the doorknob and entered, passing through the threshold. The descent into the lower levels began as I made my way downstairs.

Several minutes elapsed, and I found myself within the depths of the foundation. As I walked through one of the hallways, I encountered various gods, researchers, and other entities.

Continuing down the hallway, I caught sight of Astralux.

Me: Astralux?

Astralux turned around, looking down at me.

Astralux: Liran? Is it truly you?

Me: Indeed! I have recently altered my appearance by shaving my hair, beard, and mustache. How have you been?

Astralux: I am doing splendidly! Thank you for asking. Is there something specific you require assistance with?

Me: Yes, I would like to see Epsilon once again...

Astralux: Really? Is this a matter of great importance?

Me: Yes, it is of utmost importance...

Astralux: Very well, follow me...

Astralux began leading the way towards the direction that led to the council. After a short while, I started following "him."

After a few minutes of walking, we arrived at the door that granted access to the council chamber.

Astralux: Alright, would you like me to accompany you, or do you prefer to be alone?

Me: I will go in by myself. Thank you for offering, though.

Astralux: You're welcome...

Astralux knocked on the door, and after a brief pause, "he" disappeared.

Now, I stood before the door, contemplating its significance.

After a few moments, the door swung open, revealing two guards, both divine beings, who towered over me. They gazed down at me, their expressions filled with curiosity.

First Guard: What brings you here?

Me: I am Liran, and I seek a conversation with Epsilon...

The second guard gasped upon hearing my words.

Second Guard: Are you truly Liran? You appear different...

Me: Indeed, I have recently altered my appearance by shaving my hair, beard, and mustache... Now, please allow me to enter...

After a brief pause, both guards stepped aside, granting me passage.

And as I surveyed the surroundings, I noticed a corridor leading to a larger door. After a brief moment, I proceeded towards that door.

Standing before it, I knocked, and shortly after, it swung open, revealing a third guard.

Third Guard: Come in...

The guard stepped aside, granting me entry.

I entered the council chamber and glanced around. I saw several gods seated on their towering thrones, each exuding a cosmic, majestic aura. Their presence was awe-inspiring, and they radiated immense power.

In the center, seated on the grandest throne, was none other than Epsilon himself.

As I entered, Epsilon was the first to notice me. A broad smile illuminated "his" face as "he" looked down upon me.

Epsilon: Liran, you have arrived...

The other gods, who had been engaged in conversation, ceased their discussion and turned their attention towards me. They regarded me with a mix of curiosity and admiration.

Me: It has been some time. How have you been?

Epsilon: Thank you for inquiring, my dear... I am doing well, but your presence in our council chambers brings me even greater joy...

Me: I am pleased to hear that...

Epsilon: Anyway, what brings you here? Is there something you need?

Me: I have come with some questions...

Epsilon: Please, go ahead...

Me: Are there still some of the black king's servants lurking in hiding?

Epsilon: Yes, even though the black king himself has been vanquished, his minions remain concealed in their respective domains...

Me: Hmm... Is it possible that some of them are masquerading among us, walking in our midst?

Epsilon: That is indeed a possibility...

We have heard rumors of peculiar beings, devoid of color, roaming about...

Me: Hmm... Where might they be?

Epsilon: They could be anywhere within the city. It is plausible that they have assumed false appearances to blend in among us...

Me: I understand. I will take it upon myself to handle this matter.

Epsilon: I see. May fortune favor you...

Me: Can you teleport me outside?

Epsilon: Certainly...

With a swift gesture, Epsilon employed "his" vast power, instantly relocating me beyond the confines of the council chambers.

As I opened my eyes, I found myself standing amidst the lively streets, surrounded by the bustling activity of the metropolis.

Me (in my mind): I am now outside... I must locate these servants...

I commenced my journey, traversing the streets. As I walked, observing the presence of gods, goddesses, and mortals, I unexpectedly encountered a peculiar being.

Me (in my mind): ?...

The being before me appeared human, but something about "him" felt unsettling, as if "he" was devoid of something essential. "He" emanated an eerie sense of emptiness...

And following a brief interval, he uttered:

Human: Greetings! Has an event of significance unfolded?

After a brief interval, I responded:

Me: I am in a satisfactory state, albeit a trifle fatigued... haha...

Human: Fear not, I comprehend...

Me: How has your day transpired? Have you fared well?

Human: Certainly, I have been quite well, merely formulating some plans...

Me: Truly? What sort of plans?

Human: That is confidential...

Me: I understand... May I inquire about your appellation?

Human: My name is 'Beliar'... And what is your designation?

Me: I am Liran, pleased to make your acquaintance...

Upon revealing my name, I perceived a noticeable reaction from Beliar, characterized by a mixture of surprise and apprehension...

Me: Are you alright?

Beliar: Um... It is quite startling to hear that name. It reminds me of someone who bears that very name...

Me: Truly? It is merely a name, and there are others who share it...

I then extended my hand, awaiting a handshake.

Me: Well, I am unaware of the Liran to whom you refer, but I assure you, I am not that person.

Beliar: Very well...

After a few fleeting moments, Beliar reciprocated by extending his hand, initiating a handshake that persisted for a brief yet significant interval, before eventually releasing our grip.

Beliar: Until we meet again... Farewell...

Me: Goodbye...

After a brief interval, he proceeded to walk away...

I continued to gaze at his retreating figure, my mind preoccupied with an unsettling intuition, leading me to a decision...

Me (thoughts): Yes, there is something peculiar about him. I believe I shall shadow his movements and investigate further...

After a few seconds had elapsed, I initiated a calculated and covert pursuit, treading carefully and stealthily behind Beliar, taking deliberate strides to maintain my concealment and avoid detection...


