Chapter 3

Sigris POV

After statement by Meliodas i stopped trying to escape from his hand, to feign shock. I can't make myself to suspicious.

"And, you will come with us no matter what. There is no escape from your fate." Continued Meliodas bringing me closer to his face, "But to think that my youngest brother would be reincarnated as inferior race is unbelievable , but thankfully there is cure for that."

"Oi, you can let me go you know!" I screamed even though i know they wouldn't be able to hear me. As i tried again to escape from his grip.

"Zeldris, ready portal to Demon Realm, " Ordered Meliodas, but Zeldris interrupted .

"You know he can't travel to Demon Realm as Human," Responded Zeldris to Meliodas order. 'Does he want's father and mother involved ? Already?'

"No, i want you to find Gowther and Mother. They shall be enough for what i plan." Answered Meliodas, still keeping his evil smirk on his face while answering to Zeldris question.

"Understand, i will return shortly." Responded Zeldris before glancing one last time at me, or to be more specific, me the soul. And leaving this room.

As he left, Meliodas turned around to face me.

"Now, let's have a talk." He proclaimed before stuffing me back into my body, the moment i was returned i stepped back several feet's. But alas he stepped forward to keep our distance, even though he doesn't need to.

"Why are you afraid of me?" Asked Meliodas, this time his face has expressionless mask, not any emotion other than narrowed eyes." As your brother i won't hurt you." He said taking another step forward.

'Man , there is simply no way that i could believe this, at the end of day i could become a vessel for Demon King , for all i know.' I though taking one step back, 'And this is Meliodas THE LEADER OF Ten commandments not friendly guy we all knew, but a monster.'

"You are Demon, a strong one from what i can tell," I answered to his earlier question, again taking another step back, but my back ended up hitting wall .

"So? You will soon be Demon." Answered Meliodas.

'Ah , i would like to keep my race as it is, from all i know my personality could be affected by being demon and all, the only reason Meliodas was changed was because of Elizabeth, i would like to have more power sure, but i still would like to be me.' I though before Meliodas disappeared and reappeared in front of me.

"You have been such small child when you died, to this day we still couldn't find what actually happened that day." Spoke Meliodas, in reflex i tried to punch wall behind me with back of my fist, but Meliodas caught it effortlessly .

"A PL of 3,000 at least, strong for human." He murmured to himself,

"Can you stop it?" I asked referring to his grip, as i tried to get his hand off. BUT DA## HE'S TOO STRONG! IF someone says PL doesn't matter he's lying!

"Hmm. Make me, why should i listen to you? I'm older one here, give me a reason." Stated Meliodas, frowning at me, this is not good...

"Because i'm Human, it's not like i can run away!" I reasoned, still trying to release his hand.

"Fair point." Agreed Meliodas, finally lessening his grip before ordering me." Sit, i want to have civilized talk with you." Motioning at chairs near table. I turned around heading to them and unfortunately sitting on one, Meliodas taking chair from other side of table.

"Fine." I said, finally sitting and looking at Meliodas purple eyes, Still noticing that he wasn't in Assault Mode, just how strong would he be then? I asked myself.

"I want to know more about you." Simply stated Meliodas, i avoided his question by my own.

"Can we pretend you and other guy didn't see me? You could forget about ever seeing?" I asked, i mean , i'm sure every sane person in my situation would try to ask this, there wasn't even half a hour when i talked to R.O.B i still didn't fully process what's happening around.

"Not possible." Answers Meliodas, this time his expression is somewhat of person being amused.

"Why? I don't even know you, i want my life as it was." I continued to ask him anyway, while my "i want my life as it was "Is half true, i referred to before , when i was on Earth. I know that originally in most fanfictions Meliodas has ability not like ability but instinct to know when is someone lying.

"It's not important if you know me, it's important "That we know you" Answered Meliodas,is he possible getting annoyed?

"BU-" I Was interrupted by Meliodas .

"Listen, you are reincarnation of our deceased youngest brother, your name was even Sigris, you look exactly like I or Zeldris. There is so much proof to my statement . " Meliodas interrupted. Pointing at me.

When i take closer look at Meliodas he's wearing something akin to armor, with armored gloves and boots and white shirt, pants both fused with what could be called cape. But getting back to point.

"What? Is your proof of me being possible reincarnation of your brother except of my looks?" I asked , curious but keeping my act.

"Your mana presence and your soul presence, only family members could have same soul presence . But there's special case for us, the sons of Demon King as he was God, and children of Gods even after reincarnation have same soul." Explained Meliodas, As DK and SD along with Sacred Tree were children(DK and SD were first creations to be precise) of Chaos, they were essentially God's, weaker but God's nonetheless , DK for start created his own race and dimension same with SD.

"It does actually make sense, but still.. They are Gods, i shouldn't be surprised with all what's happening in this world, but detailed informations won't hurt anyone ' I though

"So, how did i die?" I asked Meliodas, It would be better to know .

"You, were killed by a traitor of our clan, he was disposed of." Stated Meliodas, seeing this i did not want to budge this subject to much or else i could provoke him.

"How old was i?"

"You were child," Answered Meliodas.

'Negotiations won't work here , ahh . Where is butterfly effect when you need it?' I though myself, but i jinxed myself because of what happened was definitely butterfly effect.


Whole Castle was destroyed. Or to be more precise it was melted down.

'And i survived thankfully, because of Meliodas darkness, which is enveloping us both.

"Run." Meliodas said while glancing at me before Darkness that was surrounding was dissipated. And who destroyed castle is non other than Archangel, Mael. Wearing golden armor and white cape behind him before addressing Meliodas.

"So you are son of the Demon King, ha. Don't worry, i will end your pitiful existence." Commented Mael, with arrogance.

'Well , he was merciless against Demons, even killed Gowther's lover, children and innocent . I can't say Demons didn't do exact same to Goddess Clan, tooth for a tooth.' I though before Mael glanced at me, a little bit confusion on his face, but just as quickly he averted his gaze at Meliodas.' Wait!! Wasn't he supposed to meet Meliodas in Goddess realm! When Bellion invades it, but now ... Butterfly effect..'

'PL 402,000 still increasing ...' I deadpanned at numbers before equipping my PDL armor and rushing out of destroyed castle at decent speed, for pl of 3,000 that is. As i was running i noticed thousands Goddesses fighting against Demons.

'Wait! Did Great Holy War began? No it isn't. Demon Clan and Goddess Clan were at war or something akin to Cold War against each other.' I though remembering all i read from manga and anime.



'Oh S### i need to get the F### out of here!' I though before jumping into air and flying away from this base, ignoring all battles. ' Huh, today is definitely worst day of my light for sure.'

'I can't function like this, in this universe. I must get full control of my strength , how to control my mana, after all i don't want to be beacon for everyone to feel .' I though, before glancing at base for a nano-second.. Seeing suns flying around and darkness enveloping them i just had to deadpan.

'I could either return to village where i'm or rather where my fake memories are from or i can try to find a tribe,' I though, why tribe it's simple, most leaders of tribes are either strongest or smartest people, and why i want tribe, it's so i can form my own Kingdom, and prepare for Great Holy War,

'I though they were at base already!' I shouted internally at three figures, moving at fast speed. I barely got a glimpse of them but it was enough to identify , they were non-other than all other three members of Archangels!! ' Should i try to hide?! No, they still can sense me, it would be useless. I'll just change direction.'

I just changed direction of flying, to not meet them directly, but it was still enough for them to see me. As i was trying to ignore them i can see definitely that they noticed me , but ignored me. Good.

'In their eyes i must be just random weak Human in weird armor who appeared at wrong place, barely stronger than Grey Demon, so they ignored me. ' I though assessing my situation little bit.

3 hours later.

"I should be at least considerable distance away, at least hundreds of KM." I though ' Who am i kidding i should continue my flights, Galand with PL OF 27,000 was able to cross distance from Endinburg to Camelot in 30 steps and Endinburg was hundreds of miles away from past Camelot., Why couldn't Meliodas do same or just cross all this distance with one step?' I questioned myself before i heard unfamiliar voice.

Chapter word count 1662