Rose knows

"Rose, I understand that you are a good student, and you should focus on studies but abandoning friends in the middle of an ongoing conversation?"Ash said.

"Actually, I also have a lot of work to revise." Hazy said,"so I think we will both be leaving." That took up a lot of courage to say that to Ash. "By the way, you feel scary and creepy today, Sorry."

"Oh, my bad. The crash was traumatising, so I guess it must have influenced me. My apologies." Ash replied.

"Oh, no, it's alright, but we don't apologize like that. It's something else." Hazy said. Rose glared at her, which made her continue. " Right, the work."

"Guys, do you know you are all acting odd. Like you guys are keeping something from each other like an identity or something, but you guys also know who the other one is. It is getting weird. Let's stop it and just get back to us as we were. I really miss that. You guys can literally pretend that I don't exist at all, but I can't. I can't live without you all." Anna said.

"WoW, look who is talking about secrets and identities. " Rose said, sounding really mad and leaving the crowd they formed.

"What's with her?" Anna asked.

"She just needs time, I'll go talk to her. She is depressed these days." Ash said.

"Wait, can you tell me what happened? Do you think I might be of any help?" Anna asked innocently.

""Ummm... Sorry, actually, she is kind of upset at everyone, but I don't know why, but it seems like you are the most victim of her warth right now. I am really sorry. I will figure this out, and I will surely tell you."


"It's been almost five whole years. You are the most incompetent one among all of your siblings. It is not a matter of law that I and your sister can handle. That person did not sue us. There must be a reason. They have something over us, which have never happened ever before. They have power over us now. How can you still not know." Anna's father, Sebastian, was yelling at her. She was looking down at the floor standing in front of him.

"Tell me, talk to me. I know you must know something. It can't be that you were blind for the past five years. Why don't you want me to know?" Sebastian once again continued after the pause.

"Dad, listen. If I tell you, you would take immediate action, which I am afraid of. That is the only thing preventing me from trusting you at the moment." Anna tried to make it as polite as possible.

" I wouldn't do anything. Okay? It's not my matter. I will stay out and only step in if you ask for me. Okay? Just tell me so I can keep an eye on them and confirm our doubt." Sebastian said.

"Okay, so I doubt that it is,"Roseline Noah,"."

"I am no less than you, Rose." Anna thought.