Chapter 31: A Blind Turn

Toreva was lost. The blood elves, changed into something deathly by Curzon, had consumed the town. Now, they wanted to consume the squadron.

“Ride!” Captain Augustus shouted. “Faster!”

Hooves stampeded through the smoke and mist. Violet’s ears rang with sounds of the chase and the creatures’ haunting cries. Her arms ached from firing her bow. Eden was at her side, sweat dripping from beneath his crown, down his temples.

They turned a blind curve on the road. Boulders scattered over the dirt. A landslide. Violet's horse jumped by instinct. It landed on gravel, stumbling but righting itself quickly. Eden was right behind her. More soldiers followed. The creatures ran nearly as fast as the horses, speeding through the haze, bloodlust written on their faces.

“Move!” Eden shouted, on the side of the road, directing the squadron. “Out of the way! There are more behind you!”