Smoke filled Violet’s lungs.
Fire lashed The Bastion, leaving behind charred shadows.
Violet felt empty. Magic had left carefully carved basins inside of her since she left Eloy, etched by pieces of royal souls. Eden had excavated her the deepest, but Raegan opened entirely new possibilities. Scratches of Chione, Dalyla, Caiphas, and Rabiah would soon wear away. Curzon had tried to forge her in his own image but failed.
As Violet lay in a pool of her own spent power, she wished for one more chance to feel Eden’s ancient storm power. To feel the rain beat against her skin and the thunder rumbling in his voice. It was the only resurrection she needed.
But she was alone and her heart struggled against the rest of her body’s desire to finally sleep.
Her mind wandered as metal creaked behind her. The thought that someone might be there occurred to her but she was too weak to care. Too far gone to notice the sun rising on her left.
“Violet Bellerose, you waited for me.”