Hakim Malik was raised in a well-off family with no siblings, he studied abroad through a scholarship and he got a position of the manager in 'Roger's Clothing Industry' upon completing his studies and coming back to state, Hakim Malik got married to a friend of his Emma and giving birth to two kid; 'Qasim and Sultan'.
Sultan and Qasim are two brothers sharing the same blood but with polar attitude and characters towards life, where Sultan is a nerdy, hardworking boy with big dreams of achievement, Qasim lives in the moment without caring what's actually going on or saving for the future. Although they were given equal or same love from their parents, Qasim actually want all the good to himself thinking he's the older which means one day he'll be responsible for his younger brother so all efforts and concentration should be on him not to his younger brother who excel better in everything than he ever cares to.