Lin Auntie

Zhang Yi completely dismissed Aunt Lin's words as nonsense.

However, since he had nothing better to do, he decided to tease the old woman a bit.

"Oh, Aunt Lin, you're so swollen! If you're so capable, go call Chen Zhenghao and Xu Hao to come down and shovel the snow!"

He named them directly in the group chat, disregarding anyone's face.

Chen Zhenghao, also known as Brother Hao, was a well-known gangster in the area. It was him who wielded the axe when they broke into Zhang Yi's house.

Xu Hao was an arrogant and domineering second-generation rich kid, and he was the first one to attack Zhang Yi with a knife.

In short, except for a few good people, the neighbors had either participated in attacking or robbing Zhang Yi.

He could even guess that after his death in his previous life, each one of them had benefited from it.

So Zhang Yi didn't care about anyone's face. He shamelessly exposed their true nature, disgusting them.

Aunt Lin's face changed as she looked at her phone.

Zhang Yi's direct naming made it difficult for her to back down.

No matter what, if she showed weakness at this moment, she would definitely become everyone's laughingstock.

And nobody would listen to her commands in the future.

She had no choice but to mention Chen Zhenghao and Xu Hao in the group chat.

"Everyone, this neighborhood is my home, and we all rely on each other to shovel the snow. I hope those who have time can bring their tools and go out to shovel together."

After a while, Chen Zhenghao, with the ID 25#602, responded with several question marks.

Then, a voice message was sent in the group chat.

"Shovel snow? Shovel your f*cking head! Are you blind? Can't you see that it's still snowing heavily outside?"

"F*ck, are you mentally ill? If you're sick, go see a doctor instead of barking here. Dare to mention me again, and I'll kill you, believe it or not?"

Chen Zhenghao cursed Aunt Lin mercilessly, using very offensive language.

After listening to his response, the homeowners in the group couldn't help but burst into laughter, clutching their stomachs.

Aunt Lin thought highly of herself, but others didn't pay any attention to her at all.

As a member of a small neighborhood committee, she only had some influence over ordinary homeowners.

People like Chen Zhenghao wouldn't even spare her a glance! They wouldn't consider her important at all.

Xu Hao, the second-generation rich kid, also sent a voice message.

"Why should I care about shoveling snow? I don't need to go to work anyway. I can sleep all day at home."

After saying that, he even sent a picture of himself lying in thick blankets with a woman in his arms.

He bought this house just to keep his mistresses, and he happened to be stuck here by chance.

When Aunt Lin asked him to shovel snow, he thought she was crazy.

Aunt Lin didn't dare to argue back after being cursed by Chen Zhenghao. She didn't want to provoke a real dangerous person!

But when she saw Xu Hao provoking her, she stubbornly said, "No matter what, you're still a member of the community! Shoveling snow is your obligation."

Xu Hao disdainfully replied, "Pah! So the property fees I pay every month are for nothing? Without my money, all you neighborhood committee people would starve to death."

"F*ck, you guys act all high and mighty with the homeowners' money and think you're the masters. It's ridiculous!"

None of these rich second-generation individuals were simple. Although Xu Hao was idle, he had seen the world and didn't bother with a small neighborhood committee leader.

After his remarks, he sarcastically added, "I am where I am today thanks to the power of my parents and family. Can I be the same as you poor bastards?"

"Those who need to shovel snow better hurry up. You still have to go out and earn a living! Once the snow is cleared, I can finally leave this hellhole."

Everyone listened to Xu Hao's arrogant words, feeling extremely angry.

But they were all powerless to refute him.

After all, it was because he was born into a better situation.

Although his words were harsh, they were also the truth.

Chen Zhenghao and Xu Hao's actions completely chilled everyone's hearts. Aunt Lin's words became worthless, and no one paid any attention to her.

Aunt Lin was infuriated, but she wasn't angry at Chen Zhenghao or Xu Hao. Instead, she directed her anger towards Zhang Yi!

She believed that her mobilization of the homeowners had been successful, but it was Zhang Yi, the troublemaker, who ruined everything for her!

So she sent a private message to Zhang Yi, filled with anger, asking, "Zhang Yi, are you intentionally trying to pick a fight with me?"

"Tell me, what do you want to achieve? Do you think everyone needs to go out and shovel snow?"

"Now that nobody wants to do it, are we supposed to stay locked up at home forever?"

Zhang Yi raised an eyebrow.

Oh, look, someone is willingly walking into the line of fire?

"Don't you act all high and mighty! You're nothing but a coward who bullies the weak and fears the strong. Why are you barking here?"

"You don't even dare to make a sound when someone insults you. Now you come to me seeking attention?"

"Let me tell you, your grandpa is not someone to mess with. Keep barking, and I'll make sure to kill you!"

Zhang Yi accurately grasped Aunt Lin's character.

She was just a waste who bullied the weak and feared the strong.

Indeed, after Zhang Yi uttered these harsh words, Aunt Lin was terrified.

As an old lady raising her grandson, she relied on her position in the neighborhood committee to save face.

But if others ignored her position and confronted her fiercely, she wouldn't be able to defend herself.

She suddenly became silent, seemingly afraid of provoking Zhang Yi further.

Aunt Lin quickly blocked Zhang Yi, fearing that he would continue to attack her.

Her body trembled, unsure if it was from the cold or being frightened by Zhang Yi.

"This bastard! He's nothing but a scoundrel, a lunatic!"

"For now, it's better not to provoke him. Just wait, I will find ways to make your life difficult in the future!"

In Aunt Lin's mind, she imagined herself using her position in the neighborhood committee to make things difficult for Zhang Yi.

For example, intentionally delaying the distribution of daily necessities to him.

Or not informing him about any good community activities.

She daydreamed about Zhang Yi regretting his actions, and even imagined him coming to beg for mercy, only for her to coldly shut the door and say, "Aren't you arrogant? Be even more arrogant now!"

As Aunt Lin thought about these scenarios, she couldn't help but smile.

"Hehe, there will come a day when you'll come begging to me!"

"For now, I won't stoop down to your level."

Aunt Lin satisfied herself with this "spiritual victory" using an Ah Q mentality.

Then she continued running back to the group chat to mobilize others to go out and shovel snow.

Although most people looked down on Aunt Lin, considering their own travel arrangements and work schedules, some honest individuals still took their tools and braved the freezing temperature of minus 70 degrees to shovel snow.

Meanwhile, Zhang Yi didn't expect that just as he had driven away Aunt Lin, someone else would come looking for trouble.

This time, he received a phone call on his WeChat.

Glancing at the profile picture, it was none other than Chen Zhenghao from the group chat.

Apparently, after Zhang Yi mentioned him in the group chat, it had irritated him, leading to this phone call to intimidate Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi already held resentment towards this jerk, so when he saw the incoming call, he squinted his eyes.

Now, he actually hoped that this fool with no sense would come and cause trouble for him.

After all, Zhang Yi couldn't leave the safe house.

But if anyone dared to come looking for trouble, he had plenty of means to make that person suffer a miserable fate!

So Zhang Yi answered the call.