Chapter 18

  Annette was taken to the Black Thorn Pack.

  Two men pushed Annette in front of Lance, who was in a wheelchair.

  Annette's face was full of anger. She said, "Alpha Lance, we are in Akron. This is kidnapping!"

  The two men let go of her. As her feet touched the ground, her ankles hurt, but she stood there, looking tough.

  Lance waved his hand, and people around him dispersed.

  "Sit," he said coldly.

  "I am a Rogue. I don't deserve to sit on the Black Thorn Pack's chair."

  "Annette Fisher! Are you trying to piss me off?"

  "As I said, my last name is Hall."

  "But you still have my blood in you."

  "That's why I always feel sick about myself."

  Lance slapped his wheelchair angrily and shouted, "Annette!"

  Unfazed by Lance's mood, Annette casually asked, "What do you want?"

  "I hear you've been hanging out with Alpha Connor," Lance said coldly. "Are you short of money?"