Chapter 52

  Thea had just gotten into the elevator when Annette arrived at the door of it.

  Annette quickly rushed in.

  Thea wiped her tears stubbornly. She glared at Annette and asked, "What do you want now?"

  The elevator doors closed, and Annette pressed the button for the ground floor.

  "I'll just say two things. First, you're targeting the wrong person. Melvin's other lover isn't me. It's Catherine. Second, I did not speak ill of you in the cafeteria today. Think about it. Of all the things you heard at noon, which one came from me?"

  Thea tilted her head to look at Annette. In the next second, Thea realized something and said, "You mean, that bitch is Catherine?"

  Annette didn't say anything.

  Thea was anxious. "Then why didn't you say anything before?"