Chapter 59

  "Just save it and stop telling yourself that you are some lofty woman. You and I are the same. What makes you think you are better than me?" Catherine said with a ferocious look.

  "I never said that I was better than you. I kept my distance from you because you used me before. And I won't be friends with a person like you."

  Annette glared at Catherine coldly. She passed around Catherine, walked out of the lounge, and returned to her desk.

  She would leave the Norman Group in ten days.

  So, she had made up her mind.

  In these ten days, she had to keep a distance from everyone.

  Catherine snorted disdainfully, "A pretentious woman."

  At noon, Curtis passed by Annette's desk after he returned from training.

  He knocked on her desk.

  Annette raised her head. Seeing that Curtis was smiling at her, she got a little alert.

  "Curtis, what do you think?"

  "Let's have lunch together. There is a new restaurant opposite our company. I heard that it is not bad."