Chapter 96

  "Things between Sharon and I are not as simple as you think." Lance frowned and said, "I'm telling you this for your own good."

  "Put away your so-called kindness. I don't need them at all," Annette said.

  "Annette." Lance sighed, "I have lived a hard life these years. I am getting old but still have to be in the position. Actually..."

  "It was not my fault. It has nothing to do with me," Annette cut in. "Other than that, do you have anything else to say?"

  Lance knew how stubborn Annette was. He nodded. "Alright. Since you don't want to leave, you can stay in Akron. You have to remember that you are a hybrid. Alpha Connor won't accept you to be his mate. In the end, you will only get hurt."

  "You still want to talk about this? If that's the case, you can shut up. I've always been stubborn," Annette said indifferently.