Chapter 106

  The next day, Connor went downstairs and didn't see Annette. He asked Dwayne, "Where's Annette?"

  "Ms. Hall left half an hour ago."

  Connor had a poker face and did not say anything. He went to the dining table and had breakfast alone.

  When Connor returned to the villa in the evening, he still didn't see Annette.

  Connor's face was a little cold. He looked at Dwayne and asked, "Have you called her?"

  "Leonard called Ms. Hall. She said that she had to work overtime and might be busy until late. She asked Leonard to go first," Dwayne quickly replied.

  Connor looked somewhat annoyed. He said, "Tell Leonard to come back."

  After that, he didn't even get changed and left home.

  Annette had dinner at school and then went straight back to her office.

  Other teachers had gotten off work.

  Annette planned to spend the night in the office and go back to her rented apartment tomorrow to see if there were any reporters there.