Chapter 110

  "I heard from Leonard that you just went to the hospital. Are you feeling unwell?" Connor asked.

  Annette shook her head and said, "No, I went to visit a friend."

  "Your colleagues?"

  Annette did not want to lie. She said, "It was Kyle."

  "Is he in the hospital?"


  "Is he sick?"

  Annette shook her head. "A car accident."

  "Judging from your expression, he seems to be seriously injured."

  "I don't know. I didn't go in to see him. Roxanne told me that Kyle was in a car accident and that he might be crippled. That's why I went there."

  "Why didn't you go in and ask about his condition?"

  Tears welled up in Annette's eyes.

  Connor was a little displeased.

  "What are you thinking about?"

  He thought that he could see through people's minds, but Annette was an exception.

  Annette looked at him. She didn't know who else could ease her worries.

  Now that Connor was in front of her, she thought that she should grasp the chance.