Chapter 192

  Connor was happy that Annette took the initiative to counterattack, and he contacted Hari immediately.

  "Hari, go check out Thea's bank account and prove that the transfer has something to do with the Black Thorn Pack. Also, at two o'clock in the afternoon, ask Amanda to come to my office," Connor said as Annette requested.

  Annette frowned and asked, "Why do you want to see Amanda?"

  Connor smiled, "You'll know when the time comes. Call Catherine later and ask her to come to my office in the afternoon."

  "Catherine?" Annette asked, "Why do you look for her? Are you going to arrange a job for her?"

  "That's right. Catherine offended Jessica because of you, and Jessica would not let her stay in the Fisher Group anymore. Catherine lost her job because of you. I certainly have to make up for her. The condition is that you have to call me hubby."