Chapter 234

  The plane tree in the middle of the yard looked bigger than she recalled. But everything else matched Annette's recollection perfectly.

  Marcus approached and took her arm. "Come, I'll take you to the rooftop. The view is even better up there."

  She had hardly recovered from her memory when Marcus pulled her into the villa.

  They entered the room and went up to the rooftop where there was a glass greenhouse.

  Annette didn't know about the greenhouse at all, and of course, she couldn't have known anyway, because when she came in with Sharon as a kid, they always went through the back door and weren't even allowed to enter the main villa.

  Back then, Sharon had the key to the back door, and Annette was curious about it.

  Later, Sharon told Annette that she had worked there and forgotten to return the key.

  "Annette, Bartz was such a magician. The villa he designed over twenty years ago still looks great, don't you think? I love the glass house and the view of the lake."