Chapter 248

  Connor poked Annette's forehead and asked, "Did I say I would blame you?"

  Annette raised her chin stubbornly and asked, "So what do you want to say?"

  "I wonder if you want to go home now."

  "What?" Annette was surprised by Connor's answer.

  "Do you want to go home?"

  Annette immediately nodded and said, "Yes."

  Connor rubbed Annette's head indulgently. "Then let's go back and pack our things."

  "You mean we can leave now?"

  "Of course."

  Twenty minutes later, Connor and Annette were already on their way home.

  After entering the city, Annette asked, "Why didn't you ask me what happened between me and Alina?"

  Connor said in a mischievous tone, "Because I was afraid you would make me regret it."

  Annette glared at Connor.

  Connor wrapped his arm around Annette's shoulder and cooed, "I was just kidding with you. I didn't ask because I never thought crying would prove anything. She cried, but it didn't mean you did something bad to her."