Chapter 75 Accident

Unable to peel his eyes away, Nexus' attention remained enraptured. He watched Monica's plan unfold beautifully.

The wind wolves were big- certainly larger than usual wolves. But they were mostly D-rank. So, Monica moved like she was like an ice skater- snaking through the pack, bombing them to pieces.

Transfixed to the spot, with the sight of his dead brethren before him, the next wind wolf wasn't sure whether to attack the crimson clad assailant, or to simply flee. Its pearly black eyes darted back and forth, barring its fangs defensively, and snarling at her.

But it wasn't outside the range of her calculations.

With a disturbing brazeness, Monica charged right at it, and somersaulted over the astonished wolf. In the air, with her feet over her head, just before she completed a full revolution, she stretched out her hand and touched its back.

The D-rank wind wolf disintegrated into bits of organic debris- even before Monica's feet touched down on the earth.