Chapter 115 Negotiate

A male voice- ultra masculine, and super assertive, boomed from the other end of the room;

"Don't suffocate her with questions dear, Lady Russell's only just arrived. . ."

The tall man swaggered into the room like he owned the place.

He was tall- over six foot five. On his head and face were rich tufts of white hair that announced both his wisdom and age. The coat tail of his jacket flapped behind him, as he bounced forward despite, leaning on the long cane in his hands.

Madeline Russell rose to her feet at once;

"Lord Fitch," she curtsied.

"Lady Russell." He inclined his head politely; "How nice to see you after so long. Please seat."

She waited for him to sit before she sank into the soft cushion behind her. The servant girl emerged holding a tray with fiercely expensive sets of china. Fresh steam rose up them, and curling into the air, and disappearing into the atmosphere.

"You look well," he announced.