Chapter 145 Squabble

Meanwhile, Nora and her sister were having the most misunderstanding conversation;

". . .what's this? You know I don't like to be bothered when I'm on a mission."

"Oh grow up Monica! This is the real world. You think it's all about killing Wind Wolves and getting rewards?! There are more dangerous enemies out there!"

The younger sister scowled;

"How ironic," she mouthed; "If you actually think that, then it looks like you're the one who actually needs to grow up."

At this point, Nora was about to let loose a torrent of words on her when a third party intervened;

"Both of you kids need to grow up. . ."

Nexus spun around.

Both sisters raised their heads.

At the door to the great hall, poised like a statue, with the evening sun in her face, and with icy blue eyes burning in their sockets, Lady Madeline Russell bore down on the courtyard. Her commanding voice arrested all the hearts and ears of every single one of them.